General reminder that many changes cannot be easily datamined, such as functionality changes or bugfixes, and are not always final.
- E cooldown: 20s-12s --> 16s-12s
- E AS duration: 3s --> 5s
- P bHP per stack: 12 --> 15
- base damage: 50-190 linear --> 70-240 linear
Dark Harvest
- base damage: 20 --> 30
- damage per soul: 9 --> 11
Hail of Blades
- AS:
- melee: 110% --> 140%
- ranged: 80% (unchanged)
- cooldown: 12s --> 10s
- Turret Fortification damage reduction: 50% --> 80%
- Voracious Atakhan extra gold per takedown: 40g --> 25g
- max AS cap: 2.5 --> 3.003
- default attack speed caps are technically defined as attack cooldowns, so 2.5 attacks per second is actually defined as 0.4 seconds per attack
- this seconds per attack value has been changed from 0.4 to 0.333 (not repeating), which means the actual AS cap is now 3.003 (repeating) rather than 3.0000000 (although the difference is 1/100th of a server frame so this doesn't really matter beyond what the stats HUD will claim)
- FURTHERMORE these values are actually defined on a per-map, per-mode basis, and only Classic, Practice Tool, and Swiftplay are using the new 3.0 cap (URF doesn't matter since it does its own override, but ARAM, Arena, OFA, Ultbook, Nexus Blitz, Tutorials, etc. would all still use the old 2.5 cap right now)
Streamer Mode
- a new option for an in-game "Enable Streamer Mode" has been added
- this can be found in Options --> Interface --> Health and Resource Bars --> Enable Streamer Mode
- if enabled, all summoner names will be replaced with champion names in chat/announcements/healthbars/etc. (regardless of whether the "Show Names Above Healthbar" setting is set to "Summoner Name" vs "Champion Name")
- this is NOT "incognito mode", as other players in the game can still see the summoner names if they have streamer mode off