I decided to jump into the ring and found a team of randoms 8 minutes before Lock-in. Haven't played any Summoner's Rift games for several months due to school.
Sounds like a recipe for disaster, but I'm super easygoing so I knew no matter what I could at least ensure I could stay positive.
Turns out I must have used up all the rest of my luck for this decade, since the group I found was just about the best group I could have landed at such short notice. Everyone was in a great mood, Everyone had their preferred champs and nobody discouraged anyone from playing anything they enjoyed. Everyone else was really chill but still cared enough about the game for us to discuss bans and strategies for the entire scouting phase for each game.
We communicated, we pinged, we collapsed and we backed off as a team.
Most importantly, I know it's not universal but the entire experience client wise was smooth. No lags, disconnects, weird team swap glitches. I know that other regions suffered so that NA could pull it off but this is what Clash, and League, is meant to be.
I was able to get dropped into a team of players I've never met, compete in an environment that felt coordinated and competitive, and have everyone in a positive mood by the end.
We spent a ton of time in the post game lobby just congratulating each other and pointing out plays that were made. It was good. I feel for everyone who hasn't had the chance to experience it yet, but its possible and it's worth the testing.
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