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Nope, not a post to complain about Kat/KS interaction, about the lack of monster champs, about the state of healing or the balance team. Thought I'd go with something more positive.

Been playing this game since college friends introduced me to it like 3 years ago, enjoyed it back then, still enjoy it a lot!

Sure, the game's not flawless by any means, with the fun times also come bad times, but overall, it's a really great game. I always come back to play a few games once in a while no matter how busy I get.

No matter how much you dislike some champs, few can deny the amazing talent Riot's artists have. They always deliver on the art, making the pregame much more enjoyable. (Like seriously, I'm still in awe every time I see True Damage Ekko, that art is ridiculously good.)

The actual game is obviously fun. It was my first experience with MOBAs, and after playing others like HoTS and SMITE, they just can't capture the feeling playing League gives (imo). You'll always get some frustrating teammates at some point, but there are still a lot of pretty decent people. I personally play bot lane (adc/sup) so the lane can get pretty rough occasionally, but making a big comeback can be even more satisfying than simply stomping the enemy team. Also, my reactions and inputs are usually pretty slow, so I'm not particularly good at micro, I'm glad macro matters at the very least just as much. Gives you a chance to win the game in several ways.

Anyway, that's it. That's the post. You're welcome to share what makes you come back to league every time too.

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almost 4 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Wait...what's the catch? You even mentioned Ekko without bringing up his tank build or R CD!

almost 4 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by RiotAugust

Wait...what's the catch? You even mentioned Ekko without bringing up his tank build or R CD!

I couldn’t even make it out of my interview without mentioning his tank build... that still makes me cringe lol

almost 4 years ago - /u/RiotRanma - Direct link

Originally posted by GGABueno

Wait... did that actually happen or am I too naive? No way.

Our interviews are pretty laid back for the most part. I chatted with my interviewer about the various ways Bard (my main) can troll his own teammates.

almost 4 years ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and this post to somehow become a feature request. :sweatguy:

almost 4 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by GGABueno

Wait... did that actually happen or am I too naive? No way.

Lol unfortunately it did. August asked me what one of my least favourite metas were. I said the tank ekko/fizz/everyone meta, where moment to moment gameplay didn't matter. Then he replied "Ooof, my bad".

almost 4 years ago - /u/Bellissimoh - Direct link

Originally posted by Dragneel2496

Well since I took part in a (sorta) negative comment thread in this wholesome post, I wanted to also share what keeps me coming back.

For me it's the progress. I work at a grocery store. Haven't found a job yet that makes me want to stick around. I went to college and stopped cuz I don't know what I want to spend tens of thousands of dollars on as a career. I don't have a whole lot of marketable skills apart from talking to people. I can draw (copy) what others have drawn by sight. I can read pretty fast. That's it lol. So as sad as it is, this game keeps me from feeling like every aspect of my life has stayed frozen. It's one of the few things that I can actually look at myself and be like "yup, I'm getting better at this". I've played the game for years and love helping others in it. I can talk about it for hours, I can understand the LCS commentary and see where their conclusions on plays come from (could never do this with physical sports). I can teach about it, I can write about it. It allows me to just put away the shitty thoughts of "god I'm going nowhere doing nothing" and say "well I'm at least capable of getting better at SOMETHING".

At the end of the day it's just a game, sure. But it's the one example I have and use to tell myself that once I find the will or way, I can get better and progress in something that matters. That I'm not actually just stagnating for the foreseeable future.

Thanks for sharing your story. It’s not common to see people be vulnerable and transparent, particularly here.

It takes humility and bravery to put yourself out there. If you’re ever looking professional advice or coaching, hit me up in a dm.