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I'm toying with the idea of picking up League as a side game. The reason I've avoided it, mostly, is because I don't like that most heroes require to pay for them. So maybe someone can help me out here.

In Dota, there aren't many heroes I play regularly. Mostly supports, I'm all about early game domination and roaming. I love Vengeful Spirit, Crystal Maiden, Ogre Magi, Treant Protector, and, to a lesser extent, Jakiro, Witch Doctor, and Riki.

In broader terms, I like heroes who can save cores and/or catch the enemy out of position and punish them for it (Venge's swap is my favorite skill in the game for this reason)

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about 8 years ago - /u/Tummers - Direct link

I have about 1600 hours in Dota 2, and about 1500 of it is on Vengeful Spirit. In League I have always gravitated to playmaking supports that can fix mistakes (similar to the EMERGENCY SWAP).

Naut works for me, Sona, Blitz, Leona. Thresh I'm bad at but has the same potential, and Morg.

Also I LOVE jungle now. So don't be afraid to try new roles -- it's a new game, after all.

about 8 years ago - /u/Tummers - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

It's not that I dislike carries - they're fun every now and then - but I know that most people will want to play them and that most people will refuse to play support. So I like to kill two birds with one stone by playing my favorite role since no one else is going to do it. I've always been like this, in TF2 I'd most often choose Medic.

Me too! Mercy main, AMA.

But yeah, transitioning into League support was fun. Lots of new stuff to learn, and personally I think it's way more fun than buying a zillion sentries and getting a Blink at 30 minutes.

You are probably better than me, though :)

about 8 years ago - /u/Tummers - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

ok, so one of the reasons i love supporting in dota is being able to teleport to a tower and turn around a gank, where they thought they'd be able to kill my carry but instead i kill them...

how do i do something like this in league? as far as i can tell, you can't tp to towers/turrets.. so i'm a little confused how the early game is supposed to work.

You can TP, but only with the TP spell. This was a big adjustment for me. Turning around ganks in League is much more about predictive movement and "right place, right time" than an immediate turnaround across the map.

Also it's about knowing when to roam, since your map movement isn't quite as free (can't just buy a bunch of scrolls and TP all willy-nilly).

about 8 years ago - /u/Tummers - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

Is the game in general a bit... glitchy? I had a match where I loaded in, but couldn't see anyone until I restarted the client. Crashed in a different way after that, too. Does the game not handle well with alt-tabbing, maybe? Or are co-op bot matches glitched?

I don't generally have issues like that, but it took me a bit to adjust to the way the champ select thing isn't the same thing as the game thing.

Could be some sort of other problem going on, though.

about 8 years ago - /u/Tummers - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

Another question - is tower diving even a thing in this game? I'm used to being able to go for a kill where the enemy is low health and making it out alive - but the turrets in this game hit like a ton of bricks.

It's funny -- League players often complain about towers not doing enough damage. It's like...man, try Dota some time.

Yes, diving is a thing, but you have to be much more careful about when and how you do it. Watching pro play can shed some light into it.

about 8 years ago - /u/Tummers - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

And another one - is this just an unranked thing where you can see Garen vs Garen? This is so strange/funny/interesting that the same hero can be on both teams.

Yep, normals only