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* Items stats :

NH is 3200 gold ( 200 cheaper ) and gives 90 AP , 300 HP and 15 CD ( + 5 per item ) , 125 + 15% AP and 25 % move speed and proc on single target , ONLY champ , 40s CD per champ .

Luden's 3400 G and gives 80 AP , 600 Mana , 20 CD and 6 Pen ( + 5 per item ) , 100 + 10% Ap and 15% move speed and proc on 3 targets , all targets , 10 - 0.5s per damaging abilities . *

So test are done on Dummy , Nida is level 9 ( for Q level 5 ) , Max length spear , Single target !

Only Mythic :

NH -> 0 AR / MR = 753 . 30 AR / MR = 579 . 70 AR / MR = 443 . 100 AR / MR = 376 .

Luden -> 0 AR / MR = 707 . 30 AR / MR = 570 . 70 AR / MR = 430 . 100 AR / MR = 364 .

2 Items ( Zonya 2nd since it seems to be the most popular choice ) :

NH -> 0 AR / MR = 860 . 30 AR / MR = 661 . 70 AR / MR = 506 . 100 AR / MR = 425 .

Luden -> 0 AR / MR = 810 . 30 AR / MR = 681 . 70 AR / MR = 509 . 100 AR / MR = 429 .

The dmg diff on SINGLE target is actually really small except on 0 MR ( impossible ) , and Luden's always out dmg if it proc on multiple targets ( which is really common ) . Since Luden's passive also proc on monsters it make you farm faster too .

Nida got bad ratio on all her spells so the 10AP from NH gives you almost nothing ( 6 dmg more at best on hunted Q ) .

The 300 HP value depend on enemies but it will rarely make a sizeable difference , especially if you play the poke game "correctly" before jumping in .

There is actually no upside from the Mythic passive of NH ( +5 CD ) since you need 3 completed items ( counting NH) to give you an edge , also 5 CD on Nida is roughly equal to 0.3s less ( 0.6 for heal ) .

In conclusion Luden's , overall , is a better Mythic than NH for Nida ( or similar champ ) since it will do more dmg in fight , scale better and help you farm faster . The only downside being the build path.

If you have any idea for a next post , feel free to ask .

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almost 4 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link
  1. Dismissing 300 HP as "won't make a sizeable difference" is odd when in the same post you include 3 damage on a 70 MR target as "always out dmg."

  2. Move speed matters. So do all the other strengths you're ignoring.

  3. Honestly this has already long been solved. Night Harvester Nidalee has 2.75% higher win rate than Luden's Echo Nidalee. 3 damage on spears does not make up for all the other benefits that Night Harvester provides.

In general, this type of analysis is not useful. You cannot throw out half a dozen (lower cost, better build path, more stats, move speed, no cooldown on multiple targets, no cooldown wasted when hitting minions/monsters) and say, "through this very narrow definition of good, item A is better." Winning the game is a better measurement and Night Harvester wins more games.

almost 4 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by 39128038018230

Hey, I appreciate the patch rundowns you do and the math behind builds (e.g. gold efficiency) on cast, for example during msi. I hope your content gets more views, people are missing out!

Thanks :)

almost 4 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by hohol545

Whats your thoughts on ludens having significantly higher winrate in diamond+ games, but the pickrate being the same as in lower elo where it underperforms? Are better players recognizing where ludens might be situationally good, while below diamond its built at wrong times? Or skewed data due to one tricks and small sample size at high elo?

Assuming you're using Lolalytics, it has 288 Luden's first games on the patch. That's not enough. Even zooming out to 30 days, there are only 1381. That's still not enough data to reject the null hypothesis when you're looking at +/- 1-2% wr. If it was 10% higher wr or had over 40k games on the item, then sure.