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Caps is mechanically stronger than DoinB and can match the roaming style of FPX. Perkz looked stronger than LWX overall and, correct me if im wrong, is more flexible in draft.
Mikyx/Crisp and Jankos/Tian are the most interesting direct comparisons. If Mikyx performs like he did vs SKT, i can see no noticeable skill difference, and Jankos is better than Tian imo.
Wunder vs Gimgoon is toplane.
I do think that FPX can punish G2 early game, which is why they can snowball one game to win but all in all, G2 should be the stronger team.
Perkz is a Xayah otp
Perkz played Xayah, Yasuo, Kai'Sa, Orianna, Zoe and Ezreal.
We saw him playing Syndra to stomp enemy botlanes this year. I dont see why he would have any problems playing different ADCs as soon as they become meta again.
What do you base your statement on? That hes the best Xayah player of the tournament?
His Kaisa is bad, his Ezreal is worse. His positioning continues to suck and mages bot have proven to be very overrated.
His Kaisa is bad, his Ezreal is worse.
Funny copypasta. Completely wrong though.
His positioning continues to suck and mages bot have proven to be very overrated.
Perkz mispositioned how many times in 4 games against SKT? Twice?
mages bot have proven to be very overrated.
No, its just that everything thats not Xayah/Kai'Sa is a tier below them. Mages (and Yasuo) are not worse than other traditional marksmen.
His Kaisa is significantly worse than Teddy/Jackeylove/Lwx, his Ezreal was embarrassing against SKT. Mispositioned grossly at least 3 times. He also had to blow Xayah ult outside of fights multiple times that series.
Mages are absolutely worse than traditional marksmen in this scaling meta.
his Ezreal was embarrassing against SKT
Not as embarrassing as LWX Kaisa vs J Team
Does Perkz have an insane track record on Ezreal?
Apart from Tian FPX is a weaker team individually than both SKT and Damwon
Sure they might be a team with better coordination and teamplay but the lack of skill makes a difference.
FPX won versus IG because IG is not really a team and the same can be apllied to FNC, both teams are very disjointed.
As long as G2 matches the early game shenanigans they are fine, and they should have a easier time in lane than versus the other teams.
Wunder struggled a lot with picks and laning, Gimgoon is a weak side top laner he very rarely plays carries that will benefit G2.
Damwon???? The team with Nuclear????
I dont think its that simple sadly. Qiyana has good counters in jungle and midlane. Qiyanas strength truly shows when you dont get countered which means you have to flex her in champselect (Caps can look good on her but if Jankos cant play her to the level she needs to be played its a problem). Also FPX really likes Qiyana. And knowing G2 they likely ban it. If the intend to FP it on blue side they have to flex and they are forced to ban Ryze (im pretty sure G2 would like to threaten FP Ryze on blue side over Qiyana). Just my first impressions on how i think drafts will go so i would expect G2 banning Qiyana and freeing up the Akali they kept banning against DWG and SKT. (I dont think FPX is that threatening with Akali?). I have no idea how G2 prepares tho so anything could happen. Draft will be once again very exciting to watch.
FPX ban Akali every game fwiw
I'd agree that that is the reuputation of the LPL, but that's also G2s reputation and more recently than LPL winning worlds, how G2 won MSI.
G2 has yet to beat an LPL team in a series though
LPL has yet to beat G2 in a series though
Yep, treading completely new ground here. Very exciting finals :)