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You can now change your border, add challenge tokens and add a little title to your account, like "Fashionista" or "mid-diff".

All champions come with a title as well, for example, Renata is "The Chem-baroness" Zac is "The secret weapon", Taliyha is "The stoneweaver", Zoe is "The aspect of twilight"

Why cant you just use them as your own title once upon reaching a certain mastery score on said champion?????

This seems like such a basic thing to me.

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almost 3 years ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Actually very much want to do this. Cannot promise timelines as per usual but the very first time titles came us as a concept Rovient said to me “We’ve got to get champion titles in there!!” and everyone in the room began nodding.