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I don't understand it. I sometimes feel like tristana is a champion that is very strong regardles of game state. In early she can just all in level 2, in late she becomes a hyper carry with insane damage, range with resets every takedown. For example miss fortune or draven fall of in late game if they don't get fed and vayne is weak in early but very strong in late. Why tristana can be both?

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over 3 years ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

It's matchup dependent. In bot if she has an adc and supp matchup where she can jump in, then she is strong early. If not then it is very difficult to walk up to the wave (typically something with range like Cait morg, etc.)

over 3 years ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by iremos12

So basically she is like orianna or Karthus. Sometimes they can bully champs out of lane but are considered very strong lategame mages.

Well kinda. Orianna actually has good lane matchups against the majority of mid laners. Orianna only has bad matchups against assassins in regular play. At high elo, she's fine into them. Karthus is more accurate (he has bad matchups against a lot of things) also karthus is only average late game, he's a midgame spike champion. Karthus is good late game in regular play because players don't play well against him (always 5v5 Teamfight, stack carries on top of each other, no split pushing, worse at picking him off when the map is more open, etc.)

over 3 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Solo queue data suggests that more of her power is in the early game. She’s good at forcing 15- and 20-minute surrenders. She comparatively falls off versus the average bot laner from there.

over 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by PhreakRiot

Solo queue data suggests that more of her power is in the early game. She’s good at forcing 15- and 20-minute surrenders. She comparatively falls off versus the average bot laner from there.

I think its a pretty common pattern to have hyper scalers be very strong at early levels then have weak mid games then obviously strong late games. GP comes to mind as a great example, Kayle, Yasuo are some others that come to mind.

over 3 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by GalaxySmash

I think its a pretty common pattern to have hyper scalers be very strong at early levels then have weak mid games then obviously strong late games. GP comes to mind as a great example, Kayle, Yasuo are some others that come to mind.

I find Gangplank’s lategame to be relatively weak. His damage through barrels is unreliable and doesn’t have the tools a Yasuo or Gwen has to fight in melee consistently.

over 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by bz6

But why should a "hyper" scaling champion have a strong early game? Doesn't that defeat the purpose and a source of counter-play towards that class?

There are far, far more points in the game than early and late. In this examples "early" is referencing even just levels 1/2/3, past that a lot of these champions become extremely weak until later in the game. A lot of champions have counter-play that is completely unrelated to a point in the game. A champion like Riven is less so considered "weak" during a specific point in the game and moreso countered by something like CC for example. This is also something that is entirely by champion and less by class. Orianna and Veigar are both mages, but Veigar's early lane is one of the weakest in the game while Oriannas is one of the strongest, despite being the same class.