I hope so, but I have my doubts because it's been said by too many of your co-workers in the past and it feels worse now than ever.
That said, since you're actively looking for new skin ideas from other players, try this one.
Elements Master Yorick:
Gun Goddess Miss Fortune - level "Ultimate" skin. (2250 RP)
Thsi version of Yorick commands the elements in the same way the original skin commands the Shadow Isles Mist. Story could be that Mordekaiser unleashed the raw power of the four elements onto the Blessed Isles instead of the mist and that Yorick was one of the few beings not in Morde's army to survive. (This skin could be part of a "Shadow Elementals" set with Hecarim, Thresh, Kalista, Morde, Karthus, etc...)
The main difference between this skin and Elementalist Lux is that she manipulates the higher, prettier parts of each element while Yorick channels the deeper, primal energies.
The four parts of the skin:
Pyromancer Yorick: Ghouls are bright orange, if not walking and hissing fireballs. Yorick's armor is orange and yellow and his shovel is shaped like a flame. Maiden is a stylized fireball and her particles are a dark orange/red.
Hydromancer Yorick: Ghouls are light blue, if not splashing water blobs. Yorick's armor is deep blue and green and his shovel is shaped like a water drop. Maiden is a brighter mist, more blue than black, and her particles are more ocean like.
Terramancer Yorick: Ghouls are dust clouds or mud men, Yorick's armor is more brown and beige, with bits of roots and sticks coming out of appropriate places, and his shovel is shaped like a tree's root ball. Maiden is a dust (sandy) cloud and there are tan and yellow particles.
Aeromancer Yorick: Ghouls are bright grey and cloud-like, not the sickly grey of the base skin. Yorick's armor is bright grey and light blue and his shovel is shaped like a hurricane cloud. Maiden is a bright grey creature, maybe with a spinning base, and grey particles.
And, for heavens sake, spend the money and include a new VO.
Not sure if you're going to share this with the crew, but I never want to hear another Rioter on the PIE team tell me there aren't any awesome skin ideas out there for Yorick.