Dragon souls are as strong as ever (lowest winrate with drake is 87.7% https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/drakes) but people still threat them as "optional objective? Meanwhile, once every other week there are new youtube video with "new korean broken build, literal peak performing esport athlete is smashing ladder with this build". And suddenly, my ranked games are filled with 30%wr-gray kda-muramana-aery Xayah.
People are so focused on champion winrates when most of their loses are from wrong macro decisions. It is going on for years and is depressing. How do you make people focus drakes without getting chat restrict or writing a 5 page essay "why coming to help secure drake is more important than whatever you're doing right now, since whatever you're doing right now is not even close to 87.7% winrate efficiency".
But absolute worst (it happens SO MUCH) is when your toplaner is going toplane 40 seconds before drake, telling you that it is fine, he have teleport, while enemy toplaner with ignite is grouped, pressing every avaliable button to win fight before your toplaner can even react and since there is no need to use tp (fight is lost and enemy took drake), he will stick to pushing lane and as he makes it to enemy tower, their toplaner is there to defend it.
Or am I just out of touch?
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