With the introduction of the prestige shop, riot has overloaded us players with currencies. Not only that, but the currencies themselves are confusing in that they are not uniform at all. Lets take a quick look at how to attain limited edition skins:
- RP - use real money. Basically any skin outside of the following are purchasable.
- Gemstones - "exclusive" skins meaning you can only get them through crafting 10 gemstones (or get really, really, really lucky). In terms of quality these vary, but generally they take a long time to get the gemstones and you mostly only see OTP with them (or maybe that's just me).
- Event tokens - play a ton during events to rack up tokens. Then spend basically all of them on the prestige skin for that event. Once the event ends, the prestige skin goes away forever. This requires players to not only play the game a lot, but to buy the pass as well. The current Trials Pass is 1650 RP.
- Prestige points - use 100 points to purchase one of FOUR prestige skins. (half of the KD/A lineup and aatrox + fizz). These points are what is confusing and in my opinion should be reworked.
What really is the point of the prestige points? These are basically a yearlong event token. Not only that, but gaining the actual prestige points "requires" the token pass. Looking at the current 2019 prestige point shop you can see K/DA ahri and eve and also bloodmoon aatrox and fuzz fizz. Why are the K/DA skins split up like this? Akali and Kai'sa were from the first two events and back then the prestige skins were still confusing as a concept. This is really a silly design and deters from the newer skins with prestige as part of the event. A better question would be, why are the skins event locked when riot has created the prestige shop to be a year long event?
Right now the prestige skins don't really feel like a reward. They feel like you have to invest money and time in a disproportionate quantity to the actual skins. Most of the token shop items are pretty unique and worthwhile (to some) but the enormous amount for the prestige skin takes away from that.
This can all be fixed by having EVERY prestige skin purchasable with prestige points. This will not only engage players during events (since they can still progress through milestone and earn prestige points, but it will also deter from the giant event grinding that is required. Players can then progress at their own pace to earn the prestige points they want throughout the events. Players can also gain prestige points over time to save up for a skin that has yet to be released if there is not one they currently enjoy.
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