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I played some bot games in the custom game to test the bot AI experience. Here is my sad feedback about the new AI that cant win against the old beginner AI. So i have a tool that use riot API to add old bot AI into the game. These bots cant jungle and ignore the selected lanes, so they are 100% original. I tested Intermediate vs Intermediate, Intermediate vs Intro and Intermediate vs Old Beginner AI and here are my results:

  • Intermediate Bots = Beginner = Intro AI. There is no difference in any aspect of gameplay, reaction time, item builds. So the difficulty makes no difference
  • Toplane Bots always 1v1 after both of them placed their ward on the same location, what means first blood has a 90% chance before the minions arrived (respect).
  • Jungler AI is the master of confusion and try to gank whenever its possible. He is hard underleveled don't do really clears and always try to stay on the lane.
  • Every Bot didnt understand what Tower Dive means. They see a low health victim? They just run under the tower and die. Most game are like 10v10 in Kills within 6 min playtime.
  • Bots have no idea how farming works. They prefer tower dives instead of farming.
  • Bots have no clue how they can defeat objective. Mostly they only auto attack it.
  • Bots are not scared. They try to attack towers if minions are there, but they don't care the 4 enemies next to them.

Why is OLD Beginner AI BETTER than the new AI??? How???
Answer: Old AI has Damage Calculation to check their winning chances against an enemy, Old AI plays save and prefer farming first, Old AI only Tower Dive if they cant get Tower Aggro, because someone else already have it OR they have an Engage Ability like Malphite Ultimate, Old AI group as 5 to push Towers and split if some other lanes could be in danger. The only big negative thing is that Old AI does not jungle or do objectives, but they do not have to cuz new AI has big issues do perform a simple Drake objective.

Sure the AI will get updates and more updates, but releasing new AI should mean an upgrade, not a confusing new player experience where everyone kill themself under the tower. Cant wait for a real HARD AI in League to deliver amazing experience for new and veteran player.

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Thank you for the feedback and recommendations! We will double check to ensure that the dropdown works as intended and if so, we will look at making the deltas between each difficulty more unique between them (there are intended differences meant for different audiences though they might not be extreme enough at the current experience.)

Please continue to give us feedback between each patch!

Originally posted by ShellPasGratuit

Is that why the new AI in customs didn't get pushed to live servers ?

Nope, we will be turning them on today in a handful of hours. :)