Dear Riot,
That Nautilus buff does nothing for his jungling. He is a jungler, not a support except in niche situations. Stop trying to put him back in the support role.
Everyone Who Misses Jungle Nautilus
Dear Riot,
That Nautilus buff does nothing for his jungling. He is a jungler, not a support except in niche situations. Stop trying to put him back in the support role.
Everyone Who Misses Jungle Nautilus
Naut jungle is so far from viable compared to his other roles that we don't think it would be responsible to try to buff it into viability without some much larger mechanics overhauls. So really it would be a matter of trying to put him back into the jungle role if we wanted to.
In terms of design direction & data proof, how far from viability is his top + support?
Are you looking to help both roles out? or one more than the other?
Top and support are pretty close, with support being very slightly better. Jungle is like, 5-9% winrate lower depending on elo.