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Following up from the QGT on May 15th (https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/quick-gameplay-thoughts-may-15/), Riot has added additional Blast Cones to areas around the Infernal Rift and Scryer’s Blooms around the Cloud Rift on PBE.

The new locations of the Blast Cones can be seen here: https://twitter.com/thepotatoward/status/1266203296303157250?s=21

And the new locations for Scryer’s Blooms can be seen here: https://twitter.com/thepotatoward/status/1266212873304326144?s=21

By the looks of it, I think the biggest takeaway from this is the potential backdoor outplays with the blast cones being close to the barriers. Other than that, seems like okay changes. Adds some spiciness to the game.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by MoiraDoodle

The guardian changes scare me because even the situations where its wasted on minion autos, theres ones where your ally is taking small bits of danage from ignite or the like, wll guardian proc if it knows theyll die, or will it not register these small ticks as worthy of procing guardian

Guardian does proc if someone would take lethal damage

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

Guardian seems really bad after the changes though it lost a huge portion of its power to gain more reliablity on the shielding

I don't see enchanters taking the rune anymore after the MS removal the cooldown is far too long.

I'd like to see some scaling buffs on the ap ratio and health ratio to compensate for the MS removal (if the data shows that guardian is too weak)

It's quite sad that they are changing the rune due to high elo players using guardian to engage with the movementspeed.

Another potential change that could be done is have it function like locket in the range where everyone gets the shield.

I don't really see the rune being picked much after the changes though in current use cases.

Though the range is still too short compared to some AOE cc abilties it's a step in the right direction for it be more suitable on tanks.

In league being 175 units near someone is a death sentence due to AOE cc being prelevant shifting this up to 350 is a good change it could even potentially be moved up even further.

Definitely am willing to buff Guardian if it ends up underpowered. I would expect that it proccing when you want it to much more often is gonna help it a lot, as well as the shield value going up some.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by 647boom

Is it possible to keep the movement speed, but it only applies when moving away from enemy champions?

So one of the problems Guardian had was that it was powerful (arguably the most powerful Keystone by winrate) and also not taken, even when it was optimal on champions. I suspect some of that reason is most players just didn't notice the movement speed that much of the time. The movement speed is powerful and can feel good, but it's not really why you take the rune or feel good about the rune.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by MCrossS

You cannot seriously believe this rune is landing well after removing its most valuable feature, the MS. People aren't talking about it because of this brilliant bait and switch:

Guardian - the goal here is to ease up the usability of this rune significantly by making the area that you can protect allies much larger. Additionally, we’re changing the trigger from “any damage” to a significant burst of damage so that you have fewer cases where it triggers on tiny chip damage.

Oops, forgot to mention the part where the movement speed is being removed. That isn't very important, right?

I suspect the patch notes will say the movement speed is being removed and why which is a much broader-reach message