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Seriously seems like a lot of people on this sub think that the game and LCS costs Riot nothing to maintain.

Popular champions pay the bills.

Ornn, Ivern and Shaco skins do not pay the bills.

Without them consistently releasing skins for popular champions we wouldn't be getting things like Teamfight Tactics for free. LCS wouldn't be free either.

Despite that they still have in fact released several skins for unpopular champions this year.

Brand, Shaco, Anivia, Nunu, Leona, Ivern. They also gave skins to Jayce and Kat who aren't unpopular but hadn't received one in a long time.

I get that it sucks if you are somebody who mains a super low play rate champion but that's just how it works. If you were in their position would you rather release an Ezreal skin or an Ornn skin?

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over 5 years ago - /u/Bellissimoh - Direct link

Really appreciate folks coming out and trying to advocate on our behalf. My name is Bellissimoh and I’m the Lead Producer for Personalization on League.

I’ve spent most of my 15 year career working on “Free to Play” or service model based games. Almost every single company I’ve worked for has optimized for profit and ignored the concept of player trust.

Riot is the first place I’ve worked where the strategy isn’t myopically focused on generating revenue short term. If it were, then as you’ve noted, you’d likely not see skins like Dark Star Shaco or Papercraft Anivia. We believe that making skins like these connect us with our audience, reward players who are dedicated to those champs, and show people that we’re not just “all about the benjamins”.

On another note, we’re trying to find ways to increase the number of skins we’re capable of producing. In a world where we can create more skins per year, we can cover more champions, as well as better support the business. In the end it’s all so we can reinvest into the player experience and hopefully continue to delight players for years to come. :)