Call me boring, but personally I'd prefer it if patches didn't include 35 champion changes half-way through the season/competitive split (:
Call me boring, but personally I'd prefer it if patches didn't include 35 champion changes half-way through the season/competitive split (:
We're cramming them into 9.14 instead of drawing them out over the next however-many-patches to make sure we have time to smooth things back out for regional finals, Worlds, ranked end of season grind, etc
Yeah being able to cancel shield of durand and removing the ability to flash while using it seems like a little bit much unless I'm missing some mega buff in there
It's unfortunate that the Galio list is being received so negatively, as in testing it was considered a fairly substantial buff (3-4% estimate)
Buff lines that are 'hopefully' bigger than people realize:
Mana Growth 20 - 40 per level, and Q mana cost down. Syndra received a buff from 30-40 per level in patch 9.13 and it ended up increasing her WR by 1.5%.
Additionally, since Galio is so mana gated on live it limits his itemization. In most tests with these mana numbers, Galio could either go full tank or protobelt first. In past iterations of Galio (patch 9.2), when his mana costs were increased it lowered his win-rate substantially, partly due to having massive mana constraints if he built protobelt first which is probably his best starting item.
Passive damage is also way, way up, and even though the reset mechanic was removed (burst case down) it's far more repeatable in lane and makes frequent trades more powerful, as well as making Galio pretty favored into melee matchups.
Anyways.. the whole point of doing these changes to Galio is to allow him to have a higher winrate (current mid win-rate is in the 45% range) while not becoming a 80%+ presence pro pick. Theory being his biggest pro strengths in the past have been incredibly safe ranged waveclear, zone control thanks to flash+W, and huge team coordination bonuses with R. Since this Galio now has his waveclear more tied to melee range (with passive buffs and longer Q cooldown), has less extreme zone control (with no Flash+W) and since Galio still doesn't apply DR on his ult, his Win-rate should theoretically be able to live in a higher spot.
There's a lot of moving parts in this changelist, and it's possible my read/playtest teams' read on his power is off. If his win-rate actually goes down, he'll very likely receive buffs.
tl;dr This is actually meant to be a Galio buff for solo Q. Don't sleep on mana cost reductions that let him build tank or protbelt first item.
I still don't understand the need to increase his Q cooldwon by 4 seconds tbh. If it's for Support Galio it doesn't make sense, he is dead anyway in botlane.
Q cooldown is up early because his lane priority was too strong in tests. New passive + low CD Q he just pushed everyone in and that would have likely led to him being pro p/b again
shio shoujo put that in just to see if I would catch it during edits. I did, but decided to leave it in since her name's first now :P
I guess this is how the kids talk these days o. o