If there is a 1v1 and one of the combatants can't use Lethal tempo, then the victor is 90% of the time going to be the Lethal Tempo user.
So many Lethal Tempo champs aren't even bothering to build attackspeed because Lethal Tempo gives all the attackspeed they need. Eg: Sett, Trundle, Xin, are just building straight AD, HP items and attacking super fast.
Unlike many other runes, it has no downtime in-between uses, and is constantly in affect.
The only other rune that is similar is Conqueror, but that rune has been nerfed to absolute garbage and is only taken on champions who have no other option.
Compared to Conq:
At LEVEL 1 max stacks, Lethal Tempo gives 1950 gold worth of attackspeed. Conq gives 504 gold worth of stats at max stacks at level 1.
Even at max level, Conq gives 1134 gold worth of stats which is still much less than what Lethal Tempo gives at f*cking level 1.
Lethal Tempo also lasts longer (6 sec vs 5 sec), and when the stacks fall off, unlike Conq which completely disappears, Lethal Tempo drops off 1 stack every half second.
At this point, Lethal Tempo makes so many fights extremely one sided, it needs to be reverted back to its original state of giving a big boost and having a cooldown after, or it needs to be massively nerfed. 1950 Gold worth of attackspeed at level 1 is absolutely BS, and it is being abused by champs who already win 1v1s very well, but just use it to roll anyone who attempts to contest them.
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