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almost 3 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Wow everyone in this video is so cool

almost 3 years ago - /u/TheTruexy - Direct link

Wow everyone in this video is so cool

almost 3 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by NoProcess5954

What happened to the Olaf changes?


almost 3 years ago - /u/Bellissimoh - Direct link

Wow everyone in this video is so cool

almost 3 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by ADeadMansName

A mistake by Phreak for the Swain R max HP:

For the swain passive to be even/higher during the R, just for the 125-275 bonus HP from the R, you need 18/29/40 souls. +7 more per soul than before (old 5, now 12).

But the old R also doubled the HP from the passive during the duration. So during the R you gained 10 HP per soul before and now you get 12. that means +2 only.

So the actual numbers for even/more max HP during the R is 63/100/138 souls. And I dont think anyone will normally have that many souls at lvl 6/11/16, especially because you cant get them from allied CCs anymore (less souls later on).

The P does give more total HP outside of the R. But it is also less than expected later on in the game as you do get less stacks.

Edit: Also another mistake: Double stopwatch is still possible, it just has 1 more restriction compared to before. You have to upgrade to GA/Zhonyas after buying the 2nd stopwatch and before using one.

You can get 2 stopwatches and upgrade 1 to Zhonyas for example and still use both. Or you can have all the components for Zhonyas and you havent used your stopwatch yet, just get a 2nd one right before upgrading zhonyas.

Ah thanks, I didn't know they removed the double HP as well. Then yeah, it's going to be much harder to get more HP during ult. However, the increased healing likely makes up for it and we'll see what happens overall as a result.

almost 3 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by dttez

How dumb is that Poppy W buff justification though ? "Players were being punished for misusing the ability so we made it that it didn't matter if the player played badly"

Rengar doesn't heal on his W any more. Rengar players should be punished for misplaying.

Also his damage has been cut in half. Bad Rengars should be punished for playing poorly.

You can make anything sound stupid by just claiming it's stupid.

Also you act like a 20 second cooldown in instant. It's still down for the entire gank if you misuse it in a gank.