Was planning on going to see my family for new year's eve, but Season 2030 Split 365 is already a few hours in, and I cannot allow my account to rot away for a whole split.
At 00:00 everyone is reset to bronze. And after a measly 5 placements, you can start your climb until 23:59 when ranks reset again.
With some luck, today I'll get hardstuck early, hopefully at around 6-7pm, and I can quit the split and go out watch some fireworks.
Needless to say, smurfing has been extinct for years now. Instead of players playing on 4-5 different accounts, there is now an issue with 4-5 players playing on the same account, spreading the load so the account reaches the daily quota of games.
Another big reason for grinding Split 365 is to get today's victorious skin, whichever that is.
You can play 2 games per hour. Legend has it that if you win all 48 games, you get to challenger and join Magifelix.
One downfall of this system is that lategame champions have dropped in popularity, despite their high winrate.
Riot is solving this next year though, by doubling the speed of the in-game timer so that you no longer have to wait the eternity that is 35 minutes to enjoy Kayle's lategame.
This schedule might seem intense, but keeping busy is a great way to pass the time until the Skarner rework finally comes out.
So, I have to hand it to Riot, this ranked schedule and the return of Mythics in summer of 2024 are some of the best changes ever made to the game.
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