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Hey fellow scrub and tank player here.

I know that most people are dissatisfied about the tank mythics for season 11. I feel like there should be at least a promotion of ideas for better tank mythics. I like to complain but it only does so much.

I had a (crappy) but fun idea for a tank mythic.

Dusk Batallion Armament [Anti siege]

+40 Armor +40 Magic Resist

+Additional Bonus Health Regen increased with other legendary tank items

Special Active:Grant a single Tower or Neutral Objective temporary damage reduction from ALL sources (even ally) for 20s. (Starting at 10%) This amount increases by 7% per dead allied champion apon activation. To a total of 38%. 150 sec static cooldown. (This doesnt not affect smite or specific runes like demolish)

I feel like this would be a clever tactical choice for a tank to help a team which can't team fight as well or simply is struggling deal with a siege comp. Let's say you have 3 members on your team dead and you made it out alive. They have baron and they (foolishly) try to run down mid. You can stall or force a rotation for you team to plan a counterattack. Or you can stall baron or elder and coordinate a steal. It may be broken or maybe I'm just stupid.

Any thoughts? Suggestions?

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over 4 years ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

This type of idea is typically quite unsatisfying for the user. Its success case leads to disincentivizing action as the optimized behavior. It might be satisfying on release while enemies are caught off guard by the turnaround, but once people start playing around it, it will end up being quite unsatisfying and have very few use cases.