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This just happened on hashinshin's stream


The eternal reveals that aphelios was on the dragon. Since there are no assist icons on the dragon kill popup i presume that it was not in vision. But the eternal reveals that aphelios was assisting at dragon.

I can't tell for sure with map cover, but assuming hash's team actually had no vision this makes eternals a literal disadvantage to own.

EDIT: Hashinshin's team had vision of aphelios, but no vision of dragon, which is why the eternal showed up but there were no assist markers.

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about 5 years ago - /u/RiotXenogenic - Direct link

So forgive my ignorance on his stream, but I noticed his entire minimap is not obeying vision rules. Lulu enters the fog of war and is not providing vision. He's not fully providing vision on his minimap in top lane. Is this an anti-stream sniper overlay?

Whatever the case, the rule IS that if you can't see the champion, you don't see a milestone if they do something out of your vision, so I can only assume they had vision of the dragon in that scenario and that's why the milestone played