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I feel as if most people here wouldn't like that change, which is fine... I'm just curious as to why?

Wouldn't it make people less toxic, more friendly, communicate better, add an element of excitement and surprise to the end of games?

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11 months ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Some questions I would ask a designer who proposed this:
- What is your actual goal here? I am inferring that it is: Make people care about honor more and therefore be more prosocial and less toxic. What other ways have you considered to accomplish this?
- Ranked is not all of our hours, how does this function in queues that do not have LP?
- How would you account for premades primarily honoring each other today?
- Do you think its positive that you are tying the honor vote in some way to a system that is suggestive of playing well as opposed to being v chill? What happens when we cross those streams?
- Is 1 LP a meaningful reward for people? Why not higher? At what point are the constraints of your solution fighting the impact it could have?
- How does this impact the ranked system over time? Would people have less confidence in it if they thought there were folks who were "Honor inflated"?

11 months ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Originally posted by Mizerawa

Real life hitting the shower thought like a brick.

To be very clear I was trying to respect the idea by “strengthening it through the crucible of critique” as my old buddy Sapmagic used to say.