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A lot of events in League give us a short track that plays at the beginning of the game before transitioning into the main music, and once the event is over, that music is also gone for good. It would be cool if some of that music could be preserved because it hypes you up as the game starts. Since the music playing right now is based on GIANTS, it would be cool if it was kept as a permanent feature of the True Damage skins after the event.

Star Guardians and Gun Goddess Miss Fortune also have music that plays at the beginning of the match, so it makes sense to include it for the MUSIC SKINS as well, especially since it's already in the game.

While we're at it, the beginning of POP/STARS played at the beginning of each game this time last year last year, and it would be cool if that would be added to the K/DA skins as a permanent feature, as well.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cashmiir - Direct link

Originally posted by ietsrondsofzo

Better yet, it changes when you throw out skills or hit them. Including your passive. It's such a good skin.

The sound designer who worked on Ekko did such an incredible job. When he was talking to me about it for a Nexus post he was freestyling the sounds and it was incredible.

The other sound designer on TD skins also did a stellar job. They're so talented! 🤩🤩

over 5 years ago - /u/Cashmiir - Direct link

Originally posted by Larriet

Is is the same sound designer as K/DA? I remember reading a long thread on Twitter from the person who did those, and it was awesome. I'd love to read a bit on TD as well, as someone who works with music but has no experience with production.

Not the same sound designer! The one who did K/DA also poured his heart and soul into it and it's incredible.

over 5 years ago - /u/Cashmiir - Direct link

Originally posted by LeFiery

Are you allowed to say their name?

Riot Jirsan did Ekko, Yasuo, and Senna. And Riot Strâtos did Qiyana and Akali.

over 5 years ago - /u/Cashmiir - Direct link

Originally posted by LeFiery

Yeah im surprised ekko isnt a ultimate skin. Both Jirsan and Strâtos out did themselves. Thank you.

I'm sure they'll be really happy to hear that! They're both insanely talented (like the other sound designers). Working with them all is an absolute pleasure that I can't convey well enough with words.