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-His strong early game. He is one of the best tempo junglers and he excels at building a lead and keeping it.

-His simplicity. I have potato fingers and Udyr allows me a level of skill expression that I can't have with other champions. I like being able to run around and slap people and not have to worry about crazy mechanics that I'm not going to be able to master. But I also like to feel useful. It's been refreshing having Udyr back in meta but I think a lot of that is just because just like Olaf he's a stat check champion, which isn't "necessarily" the worst thing but it is flawed in some ways.

-Speed and running in and out of fights and being able to escape with speed from tons of situations. There is nothing more satisfying than running through enemy teams, stunning 3 people, dealing damage, and allowing your team to followup, then dodging out to reset. In a lot of ways he reminds me of the other "deer" character Lillia except tankier and more about cc rather than damage.

-Having a lot of fun build paths. I think it's really cool that his stances really allow him to build in really cool and different ways. You can be a monster tank with some decent damage who excels at teamfighting and setting up for your team which is basically the most recent build with chemtank and max phoenix. You can be a skirmishing fighter style with good damage and amazing split push potential (#gates!) going tiger and Divine Sunderer/Trinity Force. Or you could even go a bursty ap bruiser that one shots turrets and champions with Lich Bane. The possibilities are endless and I really feel like it is a big part of what defines him as a champion is that although he's simple, he's not one dimensional.

I'd love to hear what other Udyr mains would like to see preserved in his identity, gameplay or thematically. :)

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about 4 years ago - /u/RiotJag - Direct link

Good thread, ty.

about 4 years ago - /u/RiotJag - Direct link

Originally posted by Caenen_

Unless I'm mistaken, Stachu (known as design lead for Qiyana, Aphelios, Rell) is taking on lead design for him.

Yeah I think Stash will be on it? Not 100% sure. But Champion team leadership saw this thread so they'll have all these ideas when they start work.