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During the pre-show of the world finals, Jatt mentioned that the CEO of FPX was a former game designer at Riot and a 2400 Elo Tryndamere one trick. https://youtu.be/ojes5ULOqhc?t=27374

I found this very interesting so I decided to do a little more research on the history of this guy.

According to many articles and forum posts, FunPlus Phoenix's current CEO, Chun Li, was known as RiotChun when he worked for Riot's Design team. He reached challenger elo on the NA ladder with Tryndamere (apparently his highest rank was 4th on the ladder, I didn't bother to confirm this).

BUT the BIGGEST FACT of all: he was the game designer responsible for 7 of the nerfs to pre-rework Irelia in the early days of league! (AKA the "better nerf irelia" meme)

For the old irelia mains who wish to see what the man(or devil) looks like: https://new.qq.com/omn/20191102/20191102A02YH100.html

External link →
over 5 years ago - /u/Tryndamere - Direct link

Trynd one tricks are OP

over 5 years ago - /u/RiotRoffles - Direct link

Originally posted by TornadoofDOOM

Yo I miss those so much, I used to use it when pros like Dyrus weren't streaming their games and I wanted to learn.

They still exist. Go to the ranked tab under profile and choose "top players" in the dropdown menu. If a player has an eye next to their name, you can right click and spectate their game.