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i just remembered randomly, it was very common, nobody says it anymore. you killed someone and he called you lucky ? qq .. your opponent blamed his death on jungler ? qq : ) i don't know why it died, it was a nice slang

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almost 6 years ago - /u/RiotQuickshot - Direct link

Originally posted by boinkdog92

This originated in Warcraft 3 back in like 2003 because Alt Q+Q would quit the game. The QQ looking like a crying face isn't why it was used. People back in WC3 days would basically be telling you to quit the game because you were a noob, hence giving you the hot keys to quit the game.


I have shared this exact story with so many people I feel more and more like a dinosaur and like I'm the only one that remembers it haha.

almost 6 years ago - /u/RiotQuickshot - Direct link

Originally posted by Saukkomestari

You ever play hero line wars on battlenet? That map had such rad heroes

Yes of course!!!

Also GemTD and TTW was my main game. I LOVED TTW so much.