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There has been a phrase that has been associated with Deft throughout worlds. With each loss, with each victory you would see a certain phrase be spammed in communities and chat.

"꺾이지 않는 마음"

After the loss to Rogue in groups, Deft had an interview where he stated that "We may have lost today but as long as we hold strong we can definitely win", "It doesn't matter how many wins or losses we have. What matters the most is working together in creating the gameplay that is necessary for winning worlds" and finally "Rogue taught us a good lesson today. It's fine as long as we can use this as a foundation to become sturdier" source

The reporter thought about how to summarize this feeling into a sentence and as if entranced (by his own words) wrote "꺾이지 않는 마음"

The phrase literally means the unbreaking/unbending heart/spirit. Can be translated as unwavering heart or unfaltering heart for something less literal.

Due to the incredible underdog story and the sheer catchiness of the phrase, this has resulted in other sports media in using the phrase as well.

In fact people in Korean league communities have been talking about how this is something Caitlyn should say when she ults in Deft's skin because of how the phrase represents him now.

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over 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Echoesong

Based and Phreakpilled

True and based

over 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Karavusk

Every win that was not in Phreak's basement should be dismissed
