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Just finished a game.. and a feeding Rakan decided to stay at base just moving occasionally to avoid afk penalty... surprise surprise the game finishes at 26m, 10 m after he AFK base, and no leaver penalty and i got the full LP loss.

To whom can you complain? Nobody?

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9 months ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

OP or anyone else that has a game where a player displayed this behavior, please DM me with details. We'd very much like to see them.

9 months ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Originally posted by deceitfulninja

Are you kidding? This happens all the time!

Pls send details about a game where you experienced it.

9 months ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Originally posted by Fledramon410

So what is the point of sending tickets? Does the customer support with clip attached isn't enough for you? Or you basically didn't care to look at them.

Looking for help through player support (PS) is a worthy use of your time!

What I am looking for is gameIDs so we can figure out specific behaviors and map them to game triggers (or see where they don’t map) to improve our systems.

We can get some of this from PS but not all! Ticket volume sometimes makes it hard to parse through.

That was a lot of inside baseball, but the gist is we are talking about improving some of these systems and the info helps. Team tells me it’s been surprisingly hard to find solid examples given the number of times people make the complaint of people skirting AFK detection.

9 months ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Originally posted by xXdimmitsarasXx

I think my enemy afk'd and had no punishment, but cannot verify as replays seem to be broken this patch? When i download them i get a 2.5-5MB file (ones from the past are like 15-25MB) and when i launch them the game just says the file is corrupted

Don’t need replay file, just need to zero in on the specific game. If you DM me your game name, region, and around when the match occurred we can look you up and do the rest.

9 months ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Originally posted by Neblinio

Are you also interested in this behavior in Coop games? Cause I've seen it more than once recently. I'm not sure I could find the gameID because the last AFK I saw was more than week ago, but if I see it again I can send it to you if interested.

Any game mode will work!

9 months ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Originally posted by HarpEgirl

By chance are you also interested in Bugs/Inconsistencys? If so I've a 4 page google doc of Neeko bugs from Game Crashes, Funneling, to just passive issues.

I personally care but have little ability to help here because I don't work on the right team. If you DM me the link I will happily send it to the designer I know who loves Neeko the most though.

5 months ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Originally posted by Shihai-no-akuma_

You will do nothing, lmfao. That's all Riot does about inters: nothing. This game is plagued with AFKers and inters and all because you don't apply actual punishments. Just put them in low priority queue; after X mins they do the same thing again. How about actually disabling ranked games for them? How about actually severely punishing them?

I don't think we get comments like this without real pain behind them.

You like League, but it's hurting you. Worse: It's costing you time as it hurts you, which is a double whammy. You expect the organization that stewards this game to take it seriously, but your lived experience doesn't seem to be improving.

If nothing else, please believe that the enormity of the problem is not lost on us. You and many others are seen and heard and felt. Friend, we play the game, too.

There are many reasons why we cannot just Thanos-snap everyone who causes disruption in your games, but we are working on and testing a bunch of short/long term changes that we feel will help. These will get announced in patch notes and videos and the other ways we chat with players that aren't one-off Reddit responses.

Until then, I hope your next games are awesome.