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and well, the K'Sante community cooked things where you wish they didn't change him once people use them. That's what we were supposed to do, right? Finding our new combos?

Those changes should have removed Q3+Flash, which is still possible but very inconsistent, and Tap W, which we still kept (we even got more cooldown resets now!).

(All of those combos are results of some of the new bugs introduced (who gametested this??) )

All combos can be used and replicated consistently in games after some practice!

Lets start with a slower and easier new combo..

All Out Knockback cancel

This combo is perfect if the knockback would put you in a very bad spot. The cancel works for terrain and non-terrain All Out!

W -> R


Double hit slow combo


This combo allows you to initiate with Tap W and every passive proc provides you an Hail of Blades effect too! This requires some attack speed to work. (HoB was used as an example in the video but isn't necessary)

W tap - R [E + double Auto] - Q + double Auto

Spaceglider K'Sante

(This makes twitch spaceglide look like a walmart version)


E - Tap W - Tap W - Q - R

Look at those moves! You don't just dash far but you can invite your enemy for this adventure too! You even end up behind the target allowing for great All Out angles!

Spaceglider K'Sante 2


E - Tap W - Tap W - Q3 - R

Great if you enjoy to travel to your target and Q3 provides you some additional range. The enemy getting very confused about what we just did to him is an additional form of cc that nobody knows about! :)

Just for the memes the removed but not removed mechanics (Tap W Q3 Flash) combined


Sadly, we don't have more combos to offer for now (or want to share more....you aren't ready for the others and we don't want to get in trouble for breaking the geneva convention..), but we still got some additional things (bugs) we love to add for our fellow K'Sante enjoyers. Those are only 2 of the list of bugs added with the patch, but those are very impactful.

  • All Out AD is locked once casted

This means that once you cast it, your AD won't change even if you gain or lose resists. This can be bad if you use Jak'Sho and the resist increase passive procs during All Out, but its also abusable with Aftershock, which adds up to 80ish AD for the whole 20 seconds! (You can use All Out to proc Aftershock and it will work.)

  • Path Maker is deadge

This patch added a bug that allows charms and fears to cancel your W channel. Make sure that you attempt to dodge those skills rather than W and pray.

I wonder if thats the way to go forward now. Make changes without existing bugs in mind and introduce even more broken bugs. Some of them we mentioned before but nothing was done.

Thats it for now,

Stay safe fellow hunters!

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over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Nalardemon

would love to see rioters react to this tbh


How do you get base form tap W to work? I've only tried for a couple minutes but no amount of mashing buttons or mouse clicks is getting me there.

All-Out W is trivial but base form is stumping me.

Also some of these combos are cool AF. If you wanna W-R to cancel the dash go for it. I don't intend to fix that.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Nalardemon

Do i smell an oppertunity for negotiations? 👀

there are a lot of bugs you could fix while you are at it

Hit me with it.

I went into /ksantemains after we went to PBE but a bunch of them looked like they were Live bugs so it was hard to parse what was new.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by UltraScept

i dont know if anyone responded to you about the base form tap W, but what I did was hit E W W as fast as i humanly could, and so far it seems highly replicable. i'm able to do it almost 100% of the time, and i'm sure a player mechanically better than me would be able to not only get that same consistency but also utilize it in real games.

for proof, here's me hitting it over 30 times in a row after around 20 minutes of practice: https://streamable.com/6983pw?src=player-page-share

the third dash can be performed more quickly by using Q at the end (which is the spaceglide combo OP posted). in most of these i didn't use the Q at the end though since I kept forgetting.

I appreciate it, thank you :)

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by EgoSumV

Seriously though, it really seemed like you didn't know that K'sante passive scaled his entire auto attack's damage.

I know it amps everything on the mark.