Why is randuin omen getting buffed against critical damage when crit is utterly sh*t? Why not give it more armor instead? Changes = (20% reduction > 25% crit damage reduction) (70 ad 35% crit damage > 65 ad 45% crit damage)
External link →Why is randuin omen getting buffed against critical damage when crit is utterly sh*t? Why not give it more armor instead? Changes = (20% reduction > 25% crit damage reduction) (70 ad 35% crit damage > 65 ad 45% crit damage)
External link →I really wonder what /u/phreakriot thinks about randuins as he mentioned he is a fan of the rule of thumb that items should be roughly 90% power from stats and 10% from active/passive.
This is a somewhat misquote. Items are over 100% gold efficient. Simple things like BF Sword and Giant's belt are already over 100% so larger completed items should be even better.
As a rule of thumb, I like putting items at 90-100% gold efficiency from raw stats and then the rest of the over-100% efficiency is whatever goes into the unique effects. It's really more like 90% + 25%. But then you have to tune the items and pay attention to gameplay impact.