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I heard that they are planning something that will make her more of a new player champ instead of a pro play pick or ban, anyone knows when it goes live? I'm kinda bored of watching pro play with Yuumi every other game.

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11 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link
  • Yuumi's solo queue win rate in 12.18: 45.85%
  • Yuumi's pro presence in 12.18: 78%
  • Yuumi's solo queue win rate in 13.11: 50.05%
  • Yuumi's pro presence in 13.11: 36-44%, depending on which leagues you measure

So at the end of the day, the changes did a massive amount of work skewing her away from pro. She has nerfs coming in 13.12, and we’ll react from there.

Worth noting that LPL and LEC are typically the best drafting leagues. LCK seems to pretty frequently hyper-focus on champions that don’t stand up in international competition. Compared to LCK, LPL’s Yuumi presence is much lower.

11 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by chaser676

At some point, Riot made a very abrupt about face regarding Yuumi. One minute, they're describing her as a deceptively high skill expression character, the next Riot says she was always supposed to have been a very easy champion to pick up and learn. The whiplash was wild.

Yuumi was a deceptively high skill expression character. That's factually accurate. Champion mastery and MMR had an outsized impact on win rate compared to other enchanters.

Intent and reality are not the same thing.

11 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by LightIsMyPath

The funniest thing is that Yuumi players wanted the opposite, it's way more fun to time detachments and jump between champions than AFK most of the time and just press 2 buttons every once in a while, sometimes 3. I'm not a Yuumi main but looking through their sub this seemed to be the sentiment

People who go to a subreddit to talk about their champion are not a representative sample of people who play that champion

11 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by DragonEffected

Are you saying that the general playerbase of a Champion with high skill expression was actually happy that their main's kit got dumbed down and their skill expression removed?

I said what I said.

11 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Shacointhejungle

I'm a big fan Phreak but is this really your take as a designer? 'It is the players and the pro players who are wrong?' That can't be right homie, it doesn't matter good the numbers look. The numbers are a way to try to quantify a game process, not the be all end all of themselves.

The old meme, a champ that coinflips the nexus exploding at 0:01 would probably not have a huge playrate and a 50-50 winrate but would it be a good design?

No, it's against the original sentiment of "She's in every other game." And the original sentiment that the update did nothing. It clearly lowered her pro presence while also massively buffing her in the hands of regular players. Both of those are good things. People should base their takes in reality, which many people in this subreddit have an incredibly hard time doing. It's not like the data is hard to acquire.

I'm not sayin pro players are wrong for picking her but let's face reality: She's in some games. She's played occasionally. She's 100% presence in the LCK, which is a weaker league than the LPL. And she's getting nerfed in 13.12, and defensibly so.

11 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by prettydendy69

Nothing rioters love more than burying their head in the sand using these meaningless ass numbers as their shovel

Nothing redditors love more than ignoring reality.

11 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by AdUnique1688

Hi Phreak, even if the presence is relatively low and this rework made it happen - which is good - I want to ask a question:
Is it possible or has it happend before that a rework like this is reversed or replaced by another one?

It seems that the rework isn't the most popular. I was a Yuumi main myself before the rework and the new passive just feels awful when your ADC is bad and not rewarding if the ADC is good.
I have switched to Thresh after the rework and I have enjoyed it (thanks for the Q changes then btw) but it's just not the same.
Is there hope for poeple like me?

Yuumi's win rate is high and pick rate are higher, and ban rate and pro presence are lower than she was at Worlds last year.

By virtually every metric that matters the rework is a success.

11 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Tormentula

Those numbers still aren't ok.

Yeah the first two are pretty unacceptable, hence the update. At this point her pro presence is higher than we’d like, hence the nerfs in 13.12

11 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by SoulCombustion

Question for you:
Why do you feel the need to be so condescending when simply presenting stats?
Your point would come across way better if you did not add the extra noise to it.

Bad habit of matching the energy of OP. I should do better.

11 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by resonmis

LOL. Phreak are they putting you at gunpoint ? This is like saying "There were 10 millions of haters now there are 5 millions so this is a huge W"

I mean Yuumi isn’t getting deleted. Changes that go in a positive direction are good changes. I wish people would be willing to accept that.

11 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by rango312

What's yuumi's presence in LCS?

Picked in every single game played

11 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Okklleenn

Hey phreak I just want to start this with saying I am a big fan. However this argument that she has a high skill expression is quite the moot point when someone got to platinum playing her with her feet while he was playing adc with his hands.

Challenger player smurfs on two accounts and winds up 1000 MMR below their skill level is not the sick burn you think it is.

11 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by David962

How can be a region with 7 worlds title be weaker than a region with only 3 titles????

Next you'll tell me the PCS is stronger than the LEC, yeah?