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I was researching which supports pair well with my favorite adc when I realized there are some champions that perform extremely poorly together. Lucian/Olaf etc.

So my question is, what 5 champions would perform as the most poorly synergized team in League of Legends?

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almost 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by SocialistScissors

In terms of 2 individual champs, Kalista + Yuumi is really bad.

In terms of overall, It would probably be a team of 5 champions who function really well when given a condition, but nobody on the team can force that condition. Creating a team that has a very clear win condition but a complete inability to get that win condition would probably suck.

Maybe something like Samira + Yasuo + Sona + Low CC jungle + Low CC squishy top would do the trick. You would be almost entirely reliant of yasuo to land a tornado in order to actually win a fight, but otherwise you literally cannot engage. The sona pick would also stagnate Samira's ability to snowball due to a weak laning phase, basically leaving her even more useless than she already would be. maybe Yasuo can 1v9 that game, but I don't think it would be a good comp.

Edit: Another example would be a full Magic DPS comp. Ryze top, Karthus Jungle, Azir Mid, Cassiopeia botlane, and probably a support like lulu who likes autoattackers. If the enemy team builds force of nature, this comp literally stops dealing damage. And if they have even 3 braincells, everyone, including the enemy ADC, will atleast build MR. It would probably end up being optimal for Azir to go an ADC build this game simply because it would outdamage his normal build.

For just bot lanes specifically, the best combination is Kalista + Taric in terms of winrate gained. I think the worst is either Jhin + Lulu or Kalista + Yuumi

almost 3 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by FearMyFPS

Winrate gained compared to average of every other supp combo with the champs?

If I am remembering correctly its just "winrate gained (or lost) when paired with X champion" compared to their average winrate otherwise.