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AD champions can have access to Grievous Wounds for a mere 800 gold.

AP champions, however, need to shell out a whopping 3000 gold to be able to inflict Grievous Wounds.

Clearly this is far from fair. Therefore, this is what needs to happen IMO:

Remove Blasting Wand from the Morello recipe and replace it with a new AP component item that gives some AP and applies Grievous Wounds on dealing magic damage. Mages deserve affordable counterplay to healing too.

Furthermore, I think an MR version of Thornmail wouldn't be a bad addition either. It would apply Grievous Wounds and reflect a portion of the damage taken when hit by an enemy spell.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Originally posted by cg50

Well if you mean the ability to use GA once every 5 mins vs Zhonya’s every 2mins . And then , zhonyas can actually be used to bait out an important spell from the enemy . GA is literally die and hope you don’t get collapsed on by enemy team.

LE vs SS - LE actually gives straight ap . Not many champs who build shiv stack attack speed . They are champs with low wave clear . And shiv requires you to add more crit which is “chance damage” to be really effective . LE is guaranteed damage since all you have to so is buy any ap item and you get stronger .

LE is built by most ap carry’s because it’s literally the best ap item and provides ap,mana,cdr and the aoe proc scales off your ap as well.

LE is far better than shiv for wave clearing . Also it procs via any instance of ap damage , so certain AA/passives can utilize it .

Ludens is far from the best AP item, in fact it's not even the best AP mana item