over 4 years ago - /u/ItsLowbo - Direct link

Hello everyone!

We've made some adjustments to ARAM to accommodate the new item system.


  • Guardian items count as Legendary items for Mythic passives
  • Guardian item efficiency increased
  • Guardian items sell for 70% of cost rather than 40%
  • Guardian's Orb now grants health regen to manaless champions
  • Guardian's Blade, with health, AD, and Ability Haste, added
  • Nearby minion deaths grant 6 gold rather than 5
  • Passive income and kill gold up 10%


  • Allow players to engage with the Mythic item system and get farther into their builds before games are decided
  • Let players delay committing to a Mythic, if desired, until they get a chance to feel out the game
  • All champions should have a Guardian's item they feel good about building
  • Players don't feel bad delaying their build by buying a Guardian item

Specific tuning is subject to change while on PBE.

Happy to discuss any questions, comments, and feedback here! Enjoy!

External link →
over 4 years ago - /u/ItsLowbo - Direct link

Originally posted by stasysqt

Certain Mythic Items In ARAM Don't Count Guardian Items Towards Their Mythic Passive

This bug is pretty self-explanatory. There are a handful of Mythic items on the PBE right now that don't count the Guardian items on ARAM towards their Mythic passives making them less attractive to buy.

Currently from testing I have found this applies to:
* Trinity Force
* Divine Sunderer
* Accelerated Chemtank
* Frostfire Gauntlet
* Night Harvester
* Riftmaker
* Hextech Rocketbelt
* Sunborn Aegis
* Moonstone Renewer
* Imperial Mandate
* Locket of the Iron Solari

Thanks for the report! I'll look into this.

over 4 years ago - /u/ItsLowbo - Direct link

Originally posted by XenariaV

Tear of the Goddess is no longer a Quick Charge Item. Some specific Items like Deaths Dance, Teamfight Items and some of the Support Items are incredible powerful and will most likely need a nerfed version in ARAM.

Tear is on our todo list. Otherwise, we're not going to make preemptive balance changes on items - we're going to wait until the meta settles and see if we need to make adjustments from there.

over 4 years ago - /u/ItsLowbo - Direct link

Originally posted by fabian3dp

I am a little late in this topic here, but have you considered to lower or eliminate the anti-healing aura ?

  • Grievous wounds will be really cheap and tailored to every class
  • Some people like the healing aspect of enchanters and they would feel better rewarded and not guilty for not building Full AP
  • Some could say that a team without a healer would be at disadvantage, but in fact any poking champ can buil Moonstone Renewer and provide healing, if he decides so, just like some non tanks champs decides to build life and resistances for the benefit of the team

I am sure you can test it, and if the healing is way too much and makes games really long, like Warmog's Armor did before with tanks, then you may adjust it, but i feel some people would like the feel to build support, without loosing soo much.

We won't do it pre-emptively. If it seems like healing champs are weak after preseason ships, we'll look to adjust appropriately.