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This would open Skarner up to being a top laner and allow teams to have more of a reason to venture into the alcoves for vision and gank setups.

Then if this turns into a balancing issue They could finally rework him and remove the spires all together.

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about 5 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

I'm Viable

iirc hes kind already pretty high in winrate, including top lane.

about 5 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by potatoeskinner

Based on u.gg...

You did not remmeber correctly. About 50.5% jg and 48.9% top in platinum+. All ranks are about the same. Not a Skarner main but damn I haven't seen that dude in awhile. And that's coming from a Wukong main.

wukong is currently one of the best cases for an overpowered champ being played incorrectly and considered underpowered because of it... he's like, 55% winrate in midlane and 46% winrate in jungle.