Let's say you have to cut some branches in your back yard because a tree fell over that will take 1 hour with your manual saw but it will take you 3 hours to go find some chainsaw. However, you anticipate you will only need to do this once so you decide to just tough it out and manual it.
Then the next year it happened again. You are like meh just tough it out.
Then it happened again.
Do you go buy the chainsaw? Or tough it out again and hope it never happens.
Now, imagine if these three scenarios are not the same people but hired workers coming to a client.
First guy didn't wana anger the customer so he toughs it out instead of delaying 3 hour...same with second... same with third... the the fourth etc etc.
At what point do you go like oh wait I should have bought a chainsaw that would solve this in seconds. But who wana volunteer to be the one that didn't show up to go buy the chainsaw?
This is essentially tech debt >w< ppl who clean up the debt is thankless job... but its because of them we have nice tools.