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over 3 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by iindie

I just want it to not freeze my PC at the end of every game, simple asks here

Yep, we are aware of EOG degrading performance, we have multiple folks from various teams helping us solve this

over 3 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by yiw999

It's kind of hilarious how they keep writing these things. They used to give numbers and graphs until they realized those were just helping us realize how little they were accomplishing. Now they just give us words because any data will show how little they're actually doing.

We will have data when we get into PBE and live environments.

over 3 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by 76390173644003

Why do they update us like this. Just tell us what you did after it's done and works.

Good question, its because we had an original date to launch sometime in July, but its delayed, and wanted to provide you an update

over 3 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by Prof_Crocodile

"It is the single most impactful individual change we can make to improve the client."

So in other words, get ready for numerous crashes, client freezes and thereof after they made this change.

We don't want that, we are taking our time testing to ensure this goes smoothly

over 3 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by enflame66

Gonna make an unpopular opinion and say these changes have been a god send so far. For sure noticed a much faster champ select with much fewer crashes (still soem but for sure less) and much faster loading screens I can no longer run to the toilet while the game loads anymore. End of game still a large pain point but it would be good if they could somehow sperate the missions from the end of game to make it more manageable and maybe so people could req faster if they didnt care for the event. or make it come when you hit home or something. But otherwise client has improved alot.

Thanks for your comments, and I acknowledge EOG is not great at the moment, and we will continue to work on making improvements. We have more invested in optimizing EOG now more than ever, where previously we were just trying to get small fixes out the door. We are now looking at every service interaction to see what needs to be changed.

over 3 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by impaktt

The short answer is yes. If this update doesn't help then it strongly points to Riots usage of the CEF. I assume the version they're using is very old. They've been talking about fixing the client for a very long time and this is the first time we've heard them say they're going to upgrade this. This makes me believe it hasn't seriously been considered until now.

Truth be told, it could solve some or a lot of the issues. Open source projects aren't immune to bugs. You can pick any decent sized project on GitHub and find hundreds of issues opened against them. The devs are usually diligent in fixing them and releasing new versions. None of that matters if you don't upgrade though.

However, it heavily depends on Riots usage of it. If they're using it poorly, we probably won't see much improvement. It'd be like buying a new fork to replace the old one you use to eat soup.

Whether or not they choose to accept that is an entirely different discussion. Sometimes there's a good enough reason to invest the time into rewriting something, sometimes there isn't. That's a debatable decision depending on who you ask.

Appreciate this comment,

We have uncovered a lot of opportunities with this CEF upgrade. Early results in our development environments is yielding really promising performance gains across the board.

The real results will come when we goto PBE and then live, I am personally pretty excited for it, I think it will be a good boost to client performance

over 3 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by Vortexspawn

Since, as the article says itself, "It is the single most impactful individual change we can make to improve the client", do you have a process now to make that easier in the future instead of being stuck for months every time you want to upgrade the CEF?

Great question, our goal moving forward is to have a process to have these upgrades more frequently.

I was not around when we last upgraded, but when last upgraded, players did notice performance gains, without us even communicating anything about the upgrade. We expect the same performance gains, if not more.

over 3 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by CopeSeetheDial8

I appreciate the hard work. This shit is never easy and comments from smug redditors with 0 software dev experience should be disregarded.

Appreciate it, I actually read all the comments when these get posted. I do appreciate a lot of fair questions being asked, I try to get to as many as I can, and try get someone smarter than me to answer the tech ones :)

over 3 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by ThrowTheCollegeAway

Hijacking to ask how in the world the 2rd bullet under Other Updates is an acceptable response, the one titled "Client Stability". Unless I'm misunderstanding, it says that the client team is aware of a memory leak, and the solution they're going with is to close the client during game if it's using too much memory, so it gets refreshed upon game end.

How is that acceptable, rather than you know, actually fixing the memory leak? We literally have a setting in the options menu to either keep the client open or close it during game; yet Riot's big solution to their memory leak is to occasionally disregard that setting and just close it anyway?

Seems like a bad patch-job rather than actually fixing the issue, quite an unwelcome sight for a "Client Cleanup" that has been going on for years

Edit: To expand on my question, is the tech debt regarding this memory leak so hefty that it has really been decided this fix of "just turn it off and back on again" is seen as a better option than fixing the memory leak?

I was expecting this question, thank you

Yes, we still have memory leaks, and the amount of work to address every single one will take us quite some time.

We wanted to introduce this feature because our goal is to get you into and out of a game successfully all the time. This feature will help will that, while maximizing client performance.

Once we get through this CEF upgrade, we have a ton of data that will tell us how much memory usage has dropped and if leaks have improved. With this, we can then prioritize against other things we need to do.

Takeaway - We think CEF is going to help client performance + players have by far raised End Of Game being their biggest pain, so we want to address that next.


over 3 years ago - /u/Riot_Aotus - Direct link

Originally posted by MQ2000

My friends tab folders move around by themselves, even tried clean reinstalling but didn’t fix the issue

This is a known bug unfortunately :( It's not a straightforward fix due to showing friends for multiple games in the social panel.

over 3 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by Vastator10

This cilent team has done way more than anyone else even tried to do. Hopefully this works out positively for them

Thank you for the comment

over 3 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by Artistocat2

This should be a good change, assuming what they say about it working on their computers will also apply to our computers I am not worried about this update, and in fact will probably not even notice it at all. Might lead to the client crashing slightly less often, but I imagine that's gonna be it (and that's not even something I'd notice.)

All those saying shit about the current state of the client are somewhat justified because the client is buggy as hell, but I'm tired of people calling Riot propaganda machines when they're literally being transparent as f**k about what they're working on right now, and what they're working on next, and what we should expect them to do. Could they do a better job with the client? Obviously, but saying they're doing nothing to help, or that they should just start from scratch either have a memory shorter than a goldfish's, suffer from extreme confirmation bias, or are just trolling.

Appreciate the feedback, we are trying our best to provide updates when we can. We do think this CEF upgrade will be a big win

over 3 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by BREEDING_WHITE_WOMEN

so ultimately does this mean fps increases across the board

we are looking at improvements across the board. the big day will be when we hit PBE, we will be able to gauge how successful this will be shortly after.

over 3 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by Insufficient-Energy

Lol you're aware??? It happens at the end of every game for everybody.

we have seen a spike where way more players are seeing it since patch 11.12, which triggered us to escalate our triage to other teams impacted