Maybe it's just because I come from early LoL + Dota 2 where things like Tryndamere's ult are not really that out of place, but I constantly feel like a crazy person reading rework threads. Literally everything that is slightly weird or old or is annoying to play against is described as "unhealthy" and suddenly needs to be sanded down into something that is more boring. Tryndamere's ult is now the most toxic, unfun thing in League of Legends even though he has existed for 10+ years and he exists in the same game as a samurai that can fly across the lane and kill you under your tower and teleport back. It's kinda hilarious.
edit: I'm not saying I'm a newcomer, I'm saying that I'm a boomer lol, that many reworks (even sh*t like Mundo) make me sad because from my POV you people ask for everything you don't like to be designed out of the game so that everything is as safe and boring and "healthy" as possible, I don't think you all understand just how weird it is compared to most other competitive game communities that you have this genuine expectation that every character you don't like won't just be nerfed but will also actually be deleted from the game
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