If you buy the pass after every game you get 12 tokens per SR win and 6 if you lose and in arams you get 8 per win and 4 per loss. But if your playing TFT (or in extension Twisted treeline) you get no tokens at all and if your trying to grind some for the event it makes you have to play SR even if you really just want to play TFT at the moment. No missions like SR are fine cause I understand the beta pass for TFT next week is for TFT missions, but I feel we should at least get the tokens from just playing league modes IN GENERAL.
Honestly this feels really bad and I can't play with any of my friends because they are all playing TFT right now, and I hate that I have to choose between grinding tokens or having fun with my friends. Not to mention being locked out of being able to play the flashy new game mode as much cause if I do I wont get tokens for the event.
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