This is just my opinion. I was playing some flex games today, and I got the same guy in several games which performed really under the average of what you would expect. I did check his game history because it was pretty weird and he only play ARAMs. In the last after-game lobby I told him he should play some normal games before getting into ranked, no flaming, just two sentences (I didn't say a word in game as well).
The answer was that I should suck it up, bad luck, because this is a five players game and he was just doing the missions. I didn't know there is a mission specifically about rankeds and when I checked it, this didn't seem right. This type of mission encourages players to play game types they don't like while destroying the game of the other nine. Why wasn't the formula of "Do this OR Do this" used here ? (And the first day of the season?)
Just as a side topic, I'm also encountering every ELO in my games (ELO in season 9): Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond. Some lanes seem to be always heavily in favour for one side I don't know if this is just me, it didn't feel this way last season reset.
(Sorry for grammar,etc)
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