(Tian's stream)
(Crisp's stream)
(Gimgoon's stream)
Today, FPX players are back to Shanghai and everyone except for DoinB streamed. They did some VOD review of the games and played some league. Below are the summary of some of the things they said that might be interesting.
Warning: FPX players really like to troll, so don't take everything 100%.
FPX had been scrimming with G2 ever since they arrived in Europe on Oct 2nd and G2 was the team they scrimmed the most with, so they knew G2 very well. (Tian)They had special picks prepared for worlds but they won without using them. One of the secret picks he had was Taliyah. They had seen the Pyke mid in scrims and expected the Veigar pick in final too.
(Crisp) FPX scrimmed a lot with G2. G2 were like their brothers. FPX won about 9 out of every 10 scrim games with G2. The week before the final, FPX scrimmed with a team that was around 4th/5th in LEC. They played 6 games and that's all.
(Tian)They did well in their scrims pre-tournament, so they thought they would have a deep run; however, LWX inted his brain out in their first game with JT and they lost, so they were having some pessimistic thoughts. He studied the route to swim back to China from Germany.(Clarify: It's Tian)
(Crisp) They never felt they could win the whole thing and thought they would go home before every BO5, until G2 knocked out SKT. SKT was destroying every team in scrims. FPX beat every other team in scrims, including IG, but went 1-5 against SKT. He thought they were going home after scrimming with SKT. He had no idea how SKT got knocked out by G2. He watched the semi-final series and thought SKT didn't look that strong at all.
(Gimgoon and Tian) People tried to tilt them in ranked games, spamming things like ‘you will go 0-6 in groups’, ‘FNC will 3-0 you’, ‘G2 will 3-0 FPX’. The week before the final, it became so disgusting that in every game there were people trolling/feeding and it was very obvious. Their teammates would said they’re happy even if they lost.
(Tian)The funniest thing was, in the morning of the final, he was in a game against LWX and Crisp. The game was not going well and the enemy team was sieging for their base. Then his screen went black, and when he logged back in, the game was already lost. Because it seemed like he stood in the fountain for 2 minutes, his teammates were cheering in the chat that FPX jungler went mental boomed and afked. Then he proceeded to 3-0 G2.
The whole team was too focused so they didn’t notice Perkz typing ‘1v1’ in all chat during Game 2 of the final. But Perkz is a happy man and he would do similar things in scrims. [If anyone doesn’t know, Tian duo-queued with Perkz in EUW, and before the semis, he played URF with other G2 players.]
(Tian) FNC mid talking sh*t after losing(worst mid in tournament) was like a 3-year-old baby trying to fight a primary school kid, got beat up and cried to his parents:"If I were the same age I would beat the sh*t out of him!"
(Tian) Riot asked them to submit 3 champions that they wanted skins for in order. He chose Lee Sin, Elise and Qiyana. He doesn't think Qiyana is a good idea now and really wants Lee Sin. Will protest if he doesn't get one. His teammates picked sh*tty champions that can't sell well, like GP, Malphite, Galio and he felt he needed to choose something popular to boost the sales. His teammates should be thankful for that, since everyone gets a share from the skin sales. Doinb wanted a Yasuo skin, but he never played it so he's probably trolling.
(Gimgoon) He did poorly in the quarter-final, and he thought to himself, if he didn’t do well in the semi-final, he would just retire. But he did okay in the semi, and the final, so he would keep playing for at least one year. Maybe two. (Then he proceeded to open his client and saw that he's currently at plat) "Okay I am not qualified to be a pro player. I am retiring."
(Gimgoon) "IG banned 3 ADCs against LWX. They looked down upon LWX's EZ. I agree with IG."
(Gimgoon) "DoinB is god-tier Ryze and my Ryze is meh. If we get Ryze we will play it mid, but enemy teams thought we might flex it."
---------added some reviews/Tian flaming teammates-------
"We knew they wanted to play Pyke mid, but didn't expect it in the first game. They probably felt it's hard to win against us so they were going all in. We should have made the Ryze top useless, but it wasn't that successful. We should have ganked more. Gimgoon kind of f*ck it up."
(Tian) "It's good that we won the first the following games were easier. Had we lost Game 1, the series would not have been so smooth. It would have been 3-1 instead of 3-0."
(Tian) "In the second game, both teams got the composition they wanted."
(Tian) "Every single time when we tried to end the game, we had to beg LWX to hit the nexus. Geez what's wrong with him. He probably calculated and got Gimgoon killed 3 seconds before the end of final, too, so that he would be the only deathless member in the series."
(Tian)"LWX doesn't deserve a Kai'sa skin. I deleted my Weibo before the tournament and planned to focus on training, but he inted his brain out so we lost the first game. My friend told me, LWX was flamed to the No.2 top search word on Weibo, and I was so curious that I re-downloaded the app to see how people flamed him. It was quite a fun read. Honestly it's a good thing that he inted and we kind of got a wake up call at the very beginning. Otherwise we might not be able to win the whole thing."
(Tian) "Our coach was so disgusting. When they announced the FMVP, he said 'Oh? Is there something wrong?'"
(Tian) "AD is such an easy role. Look LWX just Q twice and got a double. Look LWX just picked up a kill with one Kai'sa W. Then he said 'go away, I want the turret plates for myself', but DoinB said 'I can't defend mid turret anymore, I need the turret plates too'. Then Crisp and I said we could defend the mid turret and proved it's just an excuse to get a share of the turret plates. Such conspiracy goes on everyday in our team."
(Game 2 final)"I can't understand why LWX used his new stopwatch here. The only thing we got out of it was Tristana's flash and Yasuo's death. Yasuo was worth 274, and the stopwatch was worth 600. This is the second most unforgivable play from LWX in the series."
-------edit: LWX and Jackeylove's stream--------
LWX: "I did calculation, if we're knocked out in group stage, I would have 40 days off; if we're knocked out in quarters, 33 days; semis, a bit over 20. Too bad we were the champion and I only get 10 days off."
Jackeylove: "LWX had 6.1 kills per game?I guess we gave them a lot of kills in the semis...they were killing us like killing chickens, playing to boost their KDA....Perkzzie is actually great, but he's unlucky that he met someone stronger. If Perkz met me, I would be the one typing 1v1 in all chat."
-------edit: Doinb taking jungle camps------
Tian counting how many jungle camps Doinb took from him: "Oh thank god it's the enemy team taking this river crab."
(Accidentally lost some of the original post. Will keep updating if people are interested)
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