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Spideraxe on Twitter:

K'Sante changes:

  • Now replaces Hexflash with Magical Footwear

  • P ult mark damage changed from 45% - 75% (6-18) to 30% - 78% (1-18)

  • Q base damage reduced from 30 - 150 to 30 - 130

  • Q cost increased from 15 to 27 - 15

  • E base shield increased from 45 - 125 to 50 - 210

  • E shield ratio reduced from 15% bonus HP to 10%

  • R base attack damage reduced from 15 - 45 to 10 - 40

Granted, there are several changes on K'Sante on PBE right, but the first one seems like the outlier here. Automatically swapping out a rune is not uncommon and is always applied when a rune cannot be utilized on the given champion. For example, Cassiopeia cannot use Magical Footwear as a rune because the champion is unable to build any boots on her items.

This seems like the first change where a rune cannot be used despite the fact that it can be applied no problem on a champion. An odd way to balance a champion.

Personally, while this could solve some issues, this seems like a scuffed way to do it. So far, it's also not noted anywhere that K'Sante is blacklisted from using Hexflash, so players will miss the memo. There's got to be a better solution than that.


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over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Hi, I developed this. I've also just submitted an actual fix for the Hexflash bug, so we'll see if it comes back clean from QA.

Let me give some context on why this rune replacement was in: This bug is not a trivial fix. K'Sante W disables his other abilities and any Summoner Spells that are dashes/teleports. This disables Flash, Teleport, and even Hexflash. Hexflash is grayed out when you are channeling W. It's also disabled while you're actively dashing. I put debug logic onto the very first step of the Hexflash spell, and that debug does not fire. Hexflash does not cast or even begin casting if you press D/F while channeling W. And yet it cancels K'Sante W. This is not "simply" rescripting the logic of Hexflash (it doesn't cast) and it's not a trivial amount of work on K'Sante W (it already properly locks out spells). This bug is a meaningful amount of power and it is also very low impact (the rune has about a 1% pick rate, even in higher MMRs).

Obviously disabling a rune is an incredibly inelegant fix. It's not the correct one long-term, for sure. It's also trivial to change and impacts fewer than 1% of K'Sante players. Those who do run it are doing it to abuse a bug. So if we can't come up with a real solve to the bug, we should at least protect against it. I think if we were unable to find a fix, shipping this rune replacement would be 100% the correct decision. If the fix required substantial resources (e.g. a week from a software engineer to re-code how channels work) it wouldn't be worth it against other things those people could develop. Certainly wouldn't be worth leaving the bug on Live as such a fundamental change as re-coding channels went through QA and code review.

Anyways, there are a bunch of other champions with rune replacements also going into this patch. Samira will have Aftershock and Glacial unlocked (since her passive can have hard CC) and Yuumi will have Glacial replaced, since she doesn't have any hard CC herself. If anyone has any other odd rune replacements, LMK!

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by FrankTheBoxMonster

No that's just Draven R being mildly cursed. Draven R gives you a buff that handles the return when the buff is removed. When you hit a champ or the ult goes too far off the map, the buff is removed and the ult begins slowing down then returning. When you recast the R, you're actually removing the buff manually.

But, the buff is also removed when you die. Since they don't want the missile to suddenly bounce off nothing in mid air if you die, they tell it to not bounce at all if you die. They don't seem to consider that it might still hit someone after you die and therefore should still be allowed to bounce.

There's also a toggle to tell a buff to not be removed when you die, so I wonder if they just weren't aware of that either back in 2012? That should fix most of the issues on its own. It's also possible some of this is (questionably) intended, really can't tell, like I said the spell is kinda cursed.

The buff is removed on death intentionally. The internal tagging allows it to persist, it's told to disable the bouncing behavior and to remove the buff within its scripting, which reads as design intent to me. Maybe it shouldn't, but the current scripting is very much intentional.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by nickthepug

Didn’t you also say Ksante was in a “good” spot and didn’t need more nerfs? What happened to that?

People got better at him.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by jackham8

If you're able to talk about it, I'm curious what the cause wound up being.

Well I couldn't get Hexflash to not not-cast itself, so I instead added logic to just unwind the the spell and have you start really channeling Hexflash. You still lose the mana cost and CD from starting your W (because you did that) but now you just transition into Hexflashing instead of starting your W dash. TBH I really didn't get the root cause but this is better than disabling the rune. I still have no idea why Hexflash is not castable but yet tries to start casting anyway. No other spell works like this.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Fiibo

Yuumi can go aftershock despite not being able to immobilize champions (without everfrost maybe) i think its an oversight from when her R used to root enemies.

Aftershock was replaced in 13.22! Wasn't noted in the patch notes (will be noted in .23 alongside Glacial). Thanks for the report :)