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about 6 years ago - /u/RiotHippalus - Direct link

1380 RP is correct.

When League of Legends was released in October 2009, 10 euro was worth $1.49 and today 10 euro is worth $1.13, a decline of 32%.

In October 2009 EU players received 1780 RP for 10 euro and after this change will receive 1380 RP, a decline of 29%.

That 1380 RP is the same as US players receive for $10 and is just enough to cover a 1350 RP skin. The reason those amounts are the same even though a euro is worth $1.13 is because EU countries charge Riot VAT averaging 20% meaning we still receive slightly less $ when a EU player purchases RP compared to an NA player.

about 6 years ago - /u/RiotHippalus - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

Excuse me, why exactly are you basing the price of Riot Points in Euros on the price of a Dollar? I still get paid the same, regardless of what a Dollar was worth now or 2 years ago.

That’s a reasonable question. Unfortunately the costs of running and supporting League are mostly in dollars as the majority of Rioters work in the US. Every year those costs increase not just due to inflation but also the increasing investments we make in the tech, the game, esports, etc, and in supporting the game around the world. And currency movements impact our ability to make those investments, either positively or negatively, but unfortunately have been almost entirely negative since 2009.

about 6 years ago - /u/RiotHippalus - Direct link

Originally posted by ExO_o

the fact that it gives you slightly less than 1350 RP is a f**king slap in the face. so you can't even buy an epic skin anymore for 10€ after the change, that's rediculous

Posted this on the main thread but copying here for visibility.

1380 RP is correct.

When League of Legends was released in October 2009, 10 euro was worth $1.49 and today 10 euro is worth $1.13, a decline of 24%.

In October 2009 EU players received 1780 RP for 10 euro and after this change will receive 1380 RP, a decline of 22.5%.

That 1380 RP is the same as US players receive for $10 and is just enough to cover a 1350 RP skin. The reason those amounts are the same even though a euro is worth $1.13 is because EU countries charge Riot VAT averaging 20% meaning we still receive slightly less $ when a EU player purchases RP compared to an NA player.

about 6 years ago - /u/RiotHippalus - Direct link

Originally posted by reminderer

What about the average skin price increase?

The average skin on the League site will now cost about 8 euros, but you're right that the average NEW skin is a little less than 10 euros given that 1350 RP skins have become the norm. We made that change only because players repeatedly told us that they preferred the higher quality skins, even at the higher cost. Otherwise we'd be making more skins, but at a lower price and complexity of changes.

about 6 years ago - /u/RiotHippalus - Direct link

Originally posted by Tailioed

Unrelated but similar scenario, what justified the price increase for UK players seeing how there was the 20% increase 2 years ago?Despite uncertainty these past 2 years and in the coming months, the GBP USD exchange rate has mostly stayed the same...

The UK has seen multiple price changes, including a price decrease in 2015 when the pound was showing strength. Unfortunately the weakness caused by the Brexit uncertainty has persisted, and while we didn't pass the full amount onto players originally, choosing to absorb some of it ourselves, we are doing so now.

about 6 years ago - /u/RiotHippalus - Direct link

Originally posted by Brunswickstreet

Lets take the EUR/USD rate into consideration. In 2015 €1.00 was worth roughly $1.09. Which means if we put that as the base, for $1.00 you got 163 RP (because thats apparently how they calculate).

In one month €1.00 is worth roughly $1.14. and you get 118 RP for $1.00.

So how does that add up? It doesnt. The conversion rate from EUR to USD is 4,59% higher than in 2015. The conversion rate from EUR to RP should accordingly be 4,59% lower right?

Nope. Its 27.61% lower.

The euro was $1.20 when we made the last price adjustment in 2015. At the time we chose to only increase euro prices 10% even though the currently had moved closer to 20% from the 2009 launch. We absorbed the cost of the difference in the hope that the euro would rebound and bring prices back in balance.

about 6 years ago - /u/RiotHippalus - Direct link

Originally posted by Sylvanas_only

Why not reward the American players by giving them more RP per dollar instead of lowering the RP from purchases in the euro market?

Fair question and that would be the ideal answer if our costs were declining each year instead of increasing. We employ many hundreds of talented artists and many more hundreds of talented engineers to improve the game and the surrounding tech, and also invest increasing amounts in other areas. So we need to maintain the revenue that comes in from skins if we are going to continue that investment.