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"13.20 is a big patch.

Patch Timing: We needed to weigh up the pros and cons of resolving some large issues that are affecting tens of millions of people everyday vs Pros having high quality practice on 13.20 for Worlds.

Ultimately we decided to prioritize the regular player experience and while there's lots of changes on paper, we felt that they are mostly numbers changes for the Pro environment that will have some effect on practice, but overall don't feel like it will make practice redundant.

Jungle: We're trying to still keep the fun things about the role intact while focusing on trimming power and complexity from the role that hopefully junglers don't mind being trimmed. They will still feel it to some extent, but jungle is quite an overpowered role on Live and we feel like we need to act.

We're increasing jungle monster durability by quite a bit, but also increasing jungle item damage to monsters, to reduce the amount that camps are poached and also to slow down clears a bit in the early-midgame past the first clear.

The intent is for junglers to spend a bit more time farming, but not so much that they're trapped in the jungle.

We're also buffing the non-jungler starter items to gave laners a bit more of an advantage against early ganks.

Anti-Snowball: Context for snowball stuff is in yesterday's post. We're trying to maintain the relative value of playing for dragons vs void monsters, but also reducing the punishment of early deaths by some amount.

We're monitoring for teleport freezes actually benefiting the person who was killed and seeing how prevalent it will be.

We're also nerfing plates as they are a moderate amount of snowball in the early game.

Finally, runes are having more of their power put into bases rather than ratios, so they are more consistent and not double snowballing when players get ahead.

Milio: We nerfed Milio as he was driving a lot of enchanter strength earlier in the season. We think we can give him a buff that aims to bolster his enchanter outputs.

Morgana: Morgana is receiving changes to improve her jungling, while also increasing windows to play around her E CD. Morgana has lost a lot of purpose in the modern game, but still draws a high banrate due to Blitz bans, etc. that we don't think is tied to power.

Bel'veth: These are changes to get her back out of fighter oriented builds and into more squishy builds. Also moving some of her power curve to be later game oriented.

Kai'sa: Trying to push Kai'sa's early weaknesses a bit more by opening up her early matchups some. She is a bit more blind pickable than we want long term and we plan to continue to sharpen her matchups a bit.

Quinn: A reduction in some of her early durability and ability to kite to allow champions to get on her early with all-in power when she's harrassing.

K'Sante: This is a really big changelist, would check up Phreak's K'Sante section in his video for more extended context

Duskblade/Ghostblade: As mentioned y'day, think Ghostblade is a bit weak and Duskblade a bit strong. Matching the two items' power a bit better

Lord Dominicks: LDR is receiving a significant bugfix to its damage calculation and receiving a nerf to compensate" - https://twitter.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1709437900944027982

>>> Champion Buffs <<<


  • [W] Shield of Durand buffs:
    • Cooldown reduced 18/17.5/17/16.5/16 >>> 18/17/16/15/14 seconds
    • [W-P] Anti-Magic Bulwark restoration time reduced 12 flat >>> 12/11/10/9/8 seconds


  • HP per level increased 100 >>> 105

  • [P] Get Excited! bonus Attack Speed on kill can stack

  • [R] Super Mega Death Rocket! buffs:

    • Cooldown reduced 75/65/55 >>> 70/60/50 seconds
    • Maximum damage increased 300/450/600 (+150% bAD) >>> 325/475/625 (+165% bAD) (minimum is still 10% of the maximum)


  • [P] Fired Up! is now always considered Milio's damage; does not steal kill credit. Enables Chemtech Putrifier through alles.

  • [E] Warm Hugs buffs:

    • Shield base value increased 60/85/110/135/160 >>> 60/90/120/150/180
    • Recharge time reduced 18/17/16/15/14 >>> 17/16/15/14/13 seconds
  • [R] Breath of Life AP ratio increased 30% >>> 50%


  • [W] Tormented Shadow buffs:

    • AP ratio increased 14% >>> 17%
    • Monster damage ratio increased 155% >>> 165%
  • [E] Black Shield cooldown increased 24/22/20/18/16 > 26/23.5/21/18.5/16 seconds

  • [R] Soul Shackles buffs:

    • Move Speed increased 5/30/55% towards enemies >>> 10/35/60% all directions
    • Stun duration increased 1.5 >>> 1.5/1.75/2 seconds
    • Damage: 150/225/300 (+70% AP) >>> 175/250/325 (+80% AP)


  • [Q] Bouncing Bomb collision radius increased 150 >>> 180

>>> Champion Nerfs <<<


  • [Q] Avengerang bonus Move Speed reduced 40% flat >>> 20/25/30/35/40%


  • [P] Death in Lavender Attack Speed after spell cast reduced 25-50% (scales linear by level) >>> 20-40% (scales using stat progression multiplier)

  • [E] Royal Maelstrom adjustments:

    • Damage reduction reduced 70% >>> 42/49/56/63/70%
    • Minimum damage per hit adjusted to 8/10/12/14/16 (+6% AD) >>> 6/7/8/9/10 (+8% AD)
    • On-hit, on-attack, and spell effect modifier increased 6-24% >>> 8-32% (based on target's missing HP)
    • Damage can now Critically Strike
  • [R-True Form] Endless Banquet: True Form adjustments:

    • Out-of-combat Move Speed adjusted 25/50/75 >>> 10/45/80
    • Enhanced Void Coral Bonus: True Form Void Remora HP adjusted 40/50/60% >>> 20/45/70% (based on minion's max HP)


  • Base Armor reduced 28 >>> 25


  • AD per level increased 2.4 >>> 2.7
  • Base HP reduced 603 >>> 565
  • Base Move Speed reduced 335 >>> 330


  • [W] Living Shadow cooldown increased 20/18.5/17/15.5/14 to 20/19.25/18.5/17.75/17 seconds

>>> Champion Adjustments <<<


  • Base HP reduced 610 >>> 570
  • HP per level increased 108 >>> 115
  • Armor per level increased 4.7 >>> 5.2

  • [R-P] Dauntless Instinct All Out Bonus no longer increased by bonus Armor and Magic Resistance

  • [Q] Ntofo Strikes adjustments:

    • Base damage reduced 50/75/100/125/150 >>> 30/60/90/120/150
    • Can no longer Q3+Flash
    • Shift-tooltip now shows current and maximum bonus Armor/Magic Resistance/HP for cast time and cooldown
    • [R-Q] All Out Bonus adjustments:
      • Cooldown reduction changed 1 second >>> 25%
      • No longer removes the Slow
  • [W] Path Maker adjustments:

    • Channel no longer increases damage's target's max HP ratio and stun duration
    • Minimum channel time added 0.65 seconds (maximum unchanged)
    • Damage increased 0 (+2/2.25/2.5/2.75/3% target's max HP) >>> 20/40/60/80/100 (+6/7/8/9/10% target's max HP) (+50% AD) (+30% bonus Armor and Magic Resistance)
    • Damage reduction adjusted 25% (+10% per 100 bonus Armor and Magic Resistance) (+1% per 100 bonus HP) >>> 40-65% (based on level)
    • Stun duration increased 0.3/0.35/0.4/0.45/0.5 >>> 1.25 flat seconds
    • Mana cost reduced 75/80/85/90/95 >>> 60/65/70/75/80
    • [R-W] All Out Bonus adjustments:
      • No longer deals 25/35/45/55/65 (+50% AD) (increased based on charge time) bonus damage
      • Minimum channel time added 0.5 seconds (maximum unchanged)
      • Damage reduction adjusted 30% (+12% per 100 bonus Armor and Magic Resistance) (+1.2% per 100 bonus HP) >>> 50-75% (based on level)
      • Cooldown reduced 24/22/20/18/16 >>> 18/16.5/15/13.5/12 seconds
  • [R] All Out adjustments:

    • Damage type changed physical >>> magic
    • Damage adjusted 35/70/105 (+150/250/350 (+25% AD) wall damage) (+25% AD) >>> 70/110/150 (+70/110/150 (+65% AP) wall damage) (+65% AP)
    • Knockback reduced 350 >>> 300 units
    • Now resets [Q] Ntofo Strikes cooldown and stacks
    • HP threshold increased 55% >>> 65%
    • Bonus AD adjusted 5 (+32.5% bonus Armor and Magic Resistance) >>> 15/30/45 (+25% bonus Armor and Magic Resistance)
    • Healing adjusted 10% (+0.75% per 100 bHP) omnivamp >>> 10/15/20% of damage to champions
    • Now grants 25/35/45% bonus Attack Speed

>>> System Buffs <<<

Blighting Jewel

  • Cost reduced 1250 >>> 1100 (Void Staff price unchanged)

Youmuu's Ghostblade

  • Haunt Lethality increased 3-12 >>> 7-18 (based on level 1-18)

>>> System Nerfs <<<

Duskblade of Draktharr

  • Ability Haste reduced 20 >>> 15

  • Nightstalker increased damage reduced 0-18% >>> 0-16% (based on target's missing HP 0-70%)

>>> System Adjustments <<<

Lord Dominik's Regards

  • Bugfix: Now properly amplifies damage dealt into shields

  • Giant Slayer bonus damage reduced 0-25% >>> 0-22% (based on max HP difference)

>>> Jungle Adjustments <<<


  • Champion and pet damage reduced 20-160 (based on level) >>> 40 flat
  • Damage no longer applies spell effects
  • Now has 350 unit target forgiveness vs. Epic Monsters if cursor is not on another valid target
  • Primal Smite changes:
    • No longer grants 20% damage reduction to epic monsters while there are 2 or more allied champions nearby
    • Damage to nearby monsters increased 50% >>> 100%

Jungle Avatar Upgrades

  • Mosstomper adjustments:

    • Shield no longer grants 20% Tenacity and Slow Resistance
    • Shield increased 60-281 (based on levels 1-18) >>> 180-300 (based on levels 10-18)
  • Gustwalker nerfs:

    • Bonus Move Speed through bushes reduced 45% >>> 30%
    • Bonus Move Speed after killing large monsters reduced 60% >>> 45%
  • Scorchclaw burn no longer applied from damage that does not apply spell effects, with the exception of basic attacks (not triggered by Smite)

Jungle Camp Health

  • Normal Camp HP adjusted 100-200% (based on levels 1-11) >>> 100-235% (based on levels 1-18)

  • Buff Camp HP adjusted 100-200% (based on levels 1-11) >>> 100-270% (based on levels 1-18)

  • Large Raptor HP adjusted:

    • Level 1 HP increased 1100 >>> 1200
    • 100-235% (based on levels 1-11) >>> 100-235% (based on levels 1-18)
  • Small and Medium Krug XP increased 100-135% >>> 100-145% (based on levels 1-9)

  • Jungle Pet DPS ratios adjusted:

    • bAD ratio reduced by 10%
    • AP ratio reduced by 2%
    • Bonus Armor and Magic Resistance ratios increased by 10%

Scuttle Crab Health/Rewards

  • HP increased 100-213% >>> 100-360%

  • Gold and Experience reward adjusted 100-180% (based on levels 1-9) >>> 100-230% (based on levels 1-18)

Jungler Healing

  • Heal on kill reduced 30-166 (up to 225% based on missing HP) >>> 12% missing HP
  • Mana on kill reduced 19-87 (up to 225% based on missing HP) >>> 20% missing mana
  • Pet healing now capped 12-45 (based on levels 1-12); still 70% of damage dealt


  • Large Monster Armor/Magic Resistance increased 20 >>> 42
  • Small Monster Armor/Magic Resistance increased 0 >>> 20
  • Jungle Item bonus damage to non-Epic Monsters increased 20% >>> 42%

Minion XP Penalty

  • Jungler minion experience changed 40-75% (based on minutes 0-14) >>> 30-100% (based on minutes 0-20)
  • No longer locks penalty on Avatar completion
  • Levels down comeback experience threshold increased 1.1 >>> 1.5

Doran's/Support Items

  • Now limited to 1 Doran's item.

  • Doran's Blade buffs:

    • AD increased 8 >>> 10
    • HP increased 80 >>> 100
  • Doran's Shield buffs:

    • HP increased 80 >>> 110
    • Endure HP Regeneration increased 0-40 >>> 0-45 (based on current missing HP)
  • Doran's Ring buffs:

    • AP increased 15 >>> 18
    • HP increased 70 >>> 90
  • Dark Seal HP increased 40 >>> 50

  • Relic Shield buffs:

    • AP increased 5 >>> 7
    • HP increased 30 >>> 50
  • Spectral Sickle buffs:

    • AD increased 5 >>> 6
    • HP increased 10 >>> 25
  • Spellthief's Edge buffs:

    • AP increased 8 >>> 10
    • HP increased 10 >>> 25
  • Steel Shoulderguards buffs:

    • AD increased 3 >>> 4
    • HP increased 30 >>> 50

>>> Anti-Snowball Adjustments <<<


  • Cloud Dragon:

    • Cloudbringer's Grace Bonus Move Speed and Slow Resistance per stack reduced 7% >>> 5%
    • Cloud Dragon Soul Bonus Move Speed increased 15% >>> 20%
  • Hextech Dragon:

    • Hextech Prowess Ability Haste and Attack Speed per stack reduced 7.5% >>> 5%
    • Hextech Dragon Soul base Slow increased 40/30% >>> 45/35% (melee/ranged)
  • Infernal Dragon:

    • Infernal Might bonus AD and AP per stack reduced 5% >>> 3%
    • Infernal Dragon Soul base damage increased 80 >>> 100
  • Mountain Dragon:

    • Mountainous Vigor bonus Armor and MR per stack reduced 8% >>> 5%
    • Mountain Dragon Soul base shield increased 180 >>> 220
  • Ocean Dragon:

    • Oceanic Will missing HP Regeneration per stack reduced 2.5% >>> 2%
    • Ocean Dragon Soul buffs:
      • Base heal increased 130 >>> 150
      • Base mana restore increased 80 >>> 100

Rift Herald Gold

  • Local Gold reduced 200 >>> 100

Death Timers

  • Respawn timers reduced levels 2-9 8/10/12/14/16/21/27.5/30 >>> 6/8/8/10/12/16/21/26 seconds (unchanged level 1 and 10-18)

Turret Platings

  • Gold per plate reduced 175 >>> 125


  • Arcane Comet damage adjusted 30-100 (+35% bAD) (+20% AP) >>> 30-130 (+10% bAD) (+5% AP)

  • Conqueror nerfs:

    • bAD per stack reduced 1.2-2.7 >>> 1.08-2.4 (based on level)
    • AP per stack reduced 2-4.5 >>> 1.8-4 (based on level)
  • Dark Harvest damage adjusted 20-60 (+25% bAD) (+15% AP) >>> 20-80 (+10% bAD) (+5% AP)

  • Electrocute damage adjusted 30-180 (+40% bAD) (+25% AP) >>> 30-220 (+10% bAD) (+5% AP)

  • First Strike bonus damage reduced 9% >>> 8%

  • Fleet Footwork heal adjusted 10-100 (+30% bAD) (+20% AP) >>> 10-125 (+10% bAD) (+5% AP)

  • Lethal Tempo Attack Speed per stack reduced 10-15/4-9% >>> 10-14/3.6-8% (based on level) (melee/ranged)

  • Press The Attack Exposed damage amplifier reduced 8-12% (based on level) >>> 8% flat

  • Summon Aery adjustments:

    • Damage adjusted 10-40 (+15% bAD) (+10% AP) >>> 10-50 (+10% bAD) (+5% AP)
    • Shield adjusted 30-75 (+35% bAD) (+22.5% AP) >>> 30-100 (+10% bAD) (+5% AP)
  • Taste of Blood heal adjusted 16-30 (+15% bAD) (+8% AP) >>> 16-40 (10% bAD) (+5% AP)

  • Waterwalking adjustments:

    • AD increased 3-18 >>> 7.8-18 (based on level)
    • AP increased 5-30 >>> 13-30 (based on level)
    • Bonus Move Speed reduced 25 >>> 10

Baron Nashor

  • Base HP increased 12600 >>> 15000

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over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by EasyRevolution5415

Sucks they waited to do it until after worlds patch when it's the player's at the highest skill-level that everyone recognizes as where his problem area is lol

maybe they just had a contract agreement with that rapper he was made for that he would get to have a near 100% presence at worlds this year

The first planned ship date for K'Sante was 13.16, but the work wasn't done yet. As we got closer to Worlds, we didn't want to repeat the Skarner/Mordekaiser/Pantheon mistakes from yesteryear so we held it back. We probably could have released him as early as 13.18 but at that point, only one patch (and really only five days) to react to Elite-level solo queue was insufficient. So we held off until 13.20.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by fjelskaug

On the previous 13.20 preview post they mentioned 2nd Herald was unchanged

I was mistaken.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Ah, I missed a line here in the "Jungler Healing" section.

Monster AD is lower on every clear after the first. Level 1 and 18 are the same, but monsters will deal a bit less damage.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by JTHousek1

Hey, bit late but thank you for the heads up, I went ahead and fixed it

Another correction: Melee Lethal Tempo has changes compared to the last PBE post and the numbers are accurate in the patch preview

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Haoszen

Okay, Riot doesn't know their game at all as it seems... "The intent is for junglers to spend a bit more time farming, but not so much that they're trapped in the jungle." Instead what will happen is that junglers will spend less time clearing camps and spam gank even more because it's worth more than expeding more time killing camps.
Welcome to another spam gank bot lane season.

I mean the alternative is to strictly give more power to an already overpowered role. Do you think making camps more valuable is going to help make junglers less overpowered?

Junglers will gain less XP from minions, catchup XP is worse, and their gank power will be lower due to having less than 100% health and laners having stronger items. They're welcome to ignore their jungle and gank but they're going to fall behind if they do.

Like y'all are really good at the first order consequences, "Jungling is slower, so I guess I'll just gank" without taking time to understand the full picture.

Keep in mind the best junglers mostly just full clear into spending a full minute on the map killing whomever they want, then full healing off two jungle camps and doing it again. That's specifically being addressed here.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Boudynasr

I don't understand, aren't all these changes supposed to kinda gut him from pro? like they are net negative for the elite K'Sante players.

also since there will no pro play after worlds patch atleast till spring, could pro play champs get some relief buffs for soloQ since it wont affect pro?

We may still be bound by pro play but ideally we'd like to balance him the way we balance any high skill champion: Put his tuning to a level where some amount of mastery is required and pays off and the end result is a champion with fair gameplay.

If we undershoot his power, we can just give him more power, but the hope is that skilled opponents also have room to react to him without being oneshot by hit confirming an instant cast stun.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by MohamedRefai

you said before that ranged lethal tempo is fine but then it's getting nerfed again why? it already got a similar Nerf this season or is it a preemptive Nerf because other runes are getting nerfed then won't hail of blades take over?

Every other damage rune got nerfed.

Hail of Blades may become dominant but it's also really hardcore tied to specific champion kits.

If we have to rebalance every keystone in a patch or two we will. It's likely we'll hit Phase Rush in .21 regardless.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by JTHousek1

Oh yes, I just skipped over that, apologies, fixed now

I appreciate you

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Since you guys hit most of the scaling runes, was nullifying orb ever on the table since it scales too or is it too niche

Was definitely an option. The designer chose to skip it due to how niche it is.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Also would you know why the team decided to not make camp health scale at lvl 2 if every other level now scales? Is it just to not affect first clear

I kept it this way because if, for example, you wanted to practice a clear in single player, getting level 2 before Gromp/Krugs spawned would grief your practice.

Realistically camps can't spawn at level 2 in a real game. This just makes it consistent in single player. Scuttle Crab can and IIRC it scales smoothly from level 1.

Or they're somehow forced to be level 1 no matter what but I didn't bother to check since camps can't realistically be level 2 in a real game anyway.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Minishcap1

Hello Phreak, is it possible to look at tuning Demonic Embrace's % max hp damage back to 1.8%? The item feels really underwhelming on Singed, especially since he almost completely relies on it to deal damage. It feels like Singed is not rewarded with enough damage after laning phase for how difficult and volatile his laning phase is, And in season 11 when we lost old Liandrys which was a awesome core item for him, and replaced it with modern items which are way less satisfying, he has had itemization problems for the last 3 years that have never really been addressed in a way that feels good.

Demonic was essentially forced to be his pseudo-mythic core item, because mythics have not been a good fit for him, and when it was nerfed down to 1.6% he has had issues doing meaningful damage since. You can get large amounts of damage over the course of a game, but the damage that comes out never feels impactful because poison + Demonic never feels threatening at all. You have to go to 6 item build if you want to deal good damage (Demonic Rylais Deathcap Zhonyas Void + Boots) but games never last this long and even then you are going to be very susceptible to burst damage. If demonic was 1.8% we could invest slightly more into durability while still dealing meaningful damage.

Or if we are afraid of Demonic Embrace becoming meta on junglers again (which may not be the case because camp health is going down and resist is going up, the natural counter to % health damage) maybe there is a way to give Singed access to damage in a way that makes him not completely tied to demonic embrace? Some way to get magic pen or % health damage outside of his fling, IDK just spitballing here.

In general champions should be tuned downstream of systems, meaning Demonic should be tuned to be appropriate for League of Legends and then champions who are bound to it should be re-tuned if needed.

It doesn't seem like Singed is really hurting right now, so I'm not sure this is urgent or even warranted.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

One more thing, in your patch rundown you had the Zed W CD nerf at 2 - 5, however on PBE we still see it as 0 - 3 seconds, is it going to get hotfixed in or did I misinterpret the vid

Rank 2-5