Ganking mid either after the first two waves if your opponents have refused to contest at all and it hits the tower, and going mid after first recall or first death are both consistently triggering lane swap detecting
It is making certain supports like poppy or other very aggressive early game picks feel extremely bad to play in forcing a playstyle change.
It also lets midlaners get away with poor gameplay blindly pushing as long as they vaguely track jungle paths in the early game, some people might like this but it isn't really appropriate to change the entire games dynamic because of a pro play change.
No idea why they extended the midlane lane swap timer so high after the original PBE timer which was close to 2:15.
To better illustrates why "duhhhh just stay in lane" is dumb - imagine a lane of draven Leona Vs apehlios Sona. Sona lane has no way at all to contest this especially level 1-2, so they stay in xp range and aphel picks up a few minions but mostly don't touch the wave. It is about to crash into the tower, the Leona player can now roam mid and well has to because they can't dive this early, they have nothing to do in botlane for a bit and draven is perfectly safe in 1v2 with the huge wave. By using this lane swaps mechanic you have killed a core macro play to punish the Sona.
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