Original Post — Direct link

I saw the thread and found it interesting so I started going down the rabbit hole. Below are some stuff that were left untranslated + Korean community reactions:

Go read the original post if you want to see the full quotes: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/yfc5n9/eg_rigby_kr_community_eu_tops_problems_in_the_na/

I'll only be including the minimum amount of context necessary to avoid copy-pasting the entire thing. The translation was well done but I've added my own in cases where I think it misses the mark. In many cases, Rigby's comments were translated to be as neutral as possible and less inflammatory than intended, to the benefit of Rigby.

NA coaches

There are actually a lot of coaches with surprising game knowledge, but they are unable to convey things to players. A lot of NA coaches are invested in on showing off their game knowledge instead of making the players better.

+97 If you look at LS it makes sense. Criticizing a bad build? Great. But are you trying to convince the players of that and help them translate that to a win? f*ck no. It starts and ends at "look at me I'm really smart!". The biggest problem is teams and their fans believe these types of coaches are good, so nothing ever changes.

+75 Literally LS.

+64 Why do people who go to NA all end up with that hairstyle? [probably in reference to Reapered, Impact, and Berserker]

LCS Casters

The LCS casters say so many things that is beyond ridiculous... If casters mistake potentially game-winning plays for throws, or fail to catch plays with a lot of thought behind them, how are the viewers supposed to know which pros are good? Oftentimes, I can't even bear to watch the LCS--they are too clueless.

+80 I will not forget Jatt's ratings

+80 If you see the post about Jatt's ratings on the front page you'll see what he means lol

+59 Casters like KangQui [LCK caster] does give me chills

EU top laners

I genuinely think that EU top laners all suck. Wunder is the only EU top laner who has any fundamentals. For example, let’s take a look at Bwipo’s Gangplank. When Bwipo plays Gangplank, he takes corrupting pots and trades aggressively at level 1. When you see that, you think to yourself ‘Wow, look at Bwipo go...I think that despite looking powerful, it’s not actually strong laning. It’s just pretending to have strong laning.

+71 EU tops = gamba

+36 "Aggressive" is being able to land 1-2 skillshots while dodging all of the enemy's skillshots while pushing the lane and applying continuous pressure.

+28 The only EU top with fundamentals = WoW player

EG Danny

At MSI, Danny got stressed out for a number of reasons, one of them being that he couldn’t adjust to the high ping.(Danny uses 4200 DPI, so it’s more of an issue for him) To be honest, I probably contributed to his stress by pushing him too hard.

+101 35ms ping snowball shows up in the most unexpected place lol

+96 Remember people insisting that you can't even feel the difference?

+68 4200dpi rofl, are you an alien?

Some things that were left untranslated from from OP's links:

LCK Jojo

Rigby) If Jojo comes to Korea he will grow quickly by getting demolished

He'll no longer have an excuse not to practice.

+81 Come Jojo, we've prepared Chovy Faker Showmaker Zeka Clozer and BDD for you.

+61 If you don't work hard in Korea you'll be stuck at the bottom of the rankings. Even people who work hard are stuck there, imagine what happens if you don't lol.

+40 Come bootcamp

Note: There was no associated clip, so it could be a paraphrasing, or it could be an extrapolation of what Rigby said regarding Jojo's attitude towards the level of NA competition.

Impact's Ornn

During scrims against T1, Impact picked Ornn and won the laning phase. He played maybe 2 games of Ornn before all of the Korean and Chinese teams we scrimmed started banning it. Apparently, when T1/RNG were talking about how scrims were going somebody mentioned that Impact was really good at Ornn. One team insta-banned Ornn against us in scrims despite never having scrimmed with us before.

Night scrims in LCS

Night-scrims do exist, I've heard of people doing them, but we've never done them.

External link →
over 2 years ago - /u/Jatt - Direct link

Originally posted by TheRoyalSniper

What's the Jatt ratings thing

I haven’t seen the post myself.. but from a few YouTube comments I appear to have angered some KR fans for the player rating portions of my Quarterfinals recap JLXP videos I did… I think there’s an impression that I just looked at CS stats at 15 minutes and then gave a rating. Someone probably clipped or summarized the videos to give that impression and then it blew up I guess? Unfortunate since I made 30+ minute videos on each series talking about all the big moments and made my ratings based on eye test + stats

over 2 years ago - /u/Jatt - Direct link

Originally posted by Faker_the_Demon_King

https://www.fmkorea.com/5141547186 (Gen.G vs DWG)

https://www.fmkorea.com/5141493578 (T1 vs RNG)

https://www.fmkorea.com/5141466900 (DRX vs EDG)

This is the list of posts on your videos.

Yes, It's about the player ratings you gave.

As for GEN VS DWG,

+150 "S+ for Canyon in G5???? He is the one who demolished the game for DK rofl. Yes, He counter jungled but forced his midlaner waste flash, couldn't get the herald, even died in 13 min"

+124 "I think western analysts are too obsessed with 'superplay'"

+79 "Look at Doran's ratings LOL not even worth reading"

T1 vs RNG

+253 "B+ for Akali(Faker) in G2, it makes me laugh"

+203 "B- for Xiaohu but B for Faker in G3 rofl"

+194 "They can't get any improvement because that kind of clueless guy is considered as experts there lol"


+93 "nah I just skip on it, after those clueless all B ratings on Doran yesterday. He was the series MVP for me, especially G1 and G5."

+40 "Look at Scout's ratings falling down through the floor rofl"

+30 "In Game 5, Canyon viciously counter jungled and beat the shit out of Peanut but Doran stalked Canyon all game and chased him off jungle and that was the turning point of the game for GEN but that guy still gave Doran B lol"

Hey thanks for this ^ good to know what people are talking about atleast