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We all know the man is here for 3-hit passives and interesting interactions. But I'm really excited for what the future entails:

The year is 2025, the new Assasin Skarner JG build and AP Udyr mid have been clapping cheeks left and right. Shyvanna mains have been enjoying August's latest rework, allowing them to fly over terrain and blast enemies with scorching fire.

The latest two champions to be added to the game are a darkin and an ionian. The darkin is a beastmaster from shurima with several different types of bleeds and the ability to remove brush on the map. and the ionian is a dancer with skate like blades on his feet who almost puts Eddie Gordo to shame.

Items have recently been reworked, with the addition of blood of the demon (the HP version of tear), Supports now have been given special trap trinkets which can instantly clear a bush of wards.

The jungle has added two additional dragons light & dark which pretty simply increase or decrease vision radius as a map effect. Light dragon soul heals nearby allies when you attack, and dark dragon soul hurts nearby enemies when you attack. The community wants either dark dragon to be removed, or for Master Yi to get a rework because he's breaking the game with the new soul (Master Yi and Tryndamere have been tied for VGU poll the past two years now).

And August finally drops a new champion:

August explains he was playing some other video games, when a friend drunkenly called him asking him to put a roguelike game into league, and August compromised with a new champion. Taking inspiration from various games

Project name: ~Invoker~ [Insert champion name here]

Passive: roguelike:

- [Insert champion name here] has 12 different "upgrades" that can be granted to him through usage of abilities that effects his ultimate. examples include "spell bounce", mult-ishot, target seeking, slow...

- a new set of upgrades is made available every time [Insert champion name here] uses an ability, and previous upgrades won't be shown unless his ultimate is used. When the ultimate is used, all upgrades are discarded.

- essence holder: [Insert champion name here] can hold 3 essences at once. Once he has three essences, his ultimate will be defined based on the order and combination of essences. These essences are cleared after using ultimate.

Passive modifiers (12 options, 4 in a combo):

scattershot: the bolt(s) will fire 2 additional large bolts off to the side

tracking shots; large and small bolt(s) will seek out enemy

Stunner: a large bolt will additionally stun the enemy

Multi-shot: a large bolt upon impact will shoot 8 mini bolts

Pierce: large bolts will pierce through multiple targets (only triggering additional abilities on first impact)

Cold: all bolt(s) will slow enemies

Bounce: After hitting an enemy, a large bolt will bounce in the direction it was travelling, dealing full damage if it collides with a target

vulnerable: enemies hit by all bolts will take increased damage for 3 seconds

Chaos: After a large bolt impacts, A random basic ability is used in a random direction from the point of impact.

Chain: after hitting a target, a large bolt will leap to hit an additional target

split: after hitting a target, generates an additional large bolt.

timed explosion: Large and small bolts impact will create a large area, where the bolt's damage is dealt after 1.5 seconds.

Q: Fire:

[Insert champion name here] throws a fireball that explodes on the first target hit, and then burning enemies over time. [Insert champion name here] also generates a stack of "flame essence" which adds a passive

Per stack of essence: hitting an enemy with spells does an additional 2% HP damage

W: Earth:

[Insert champion name here] stomps the ground, creating a shockwave around him. If an enemy champion is next to [Insert champion name here], he creates a small shield and gets a stack of “earth essence”

Per stack of essence: [Insert champion name here] gains a small grey health shield worth 2% of his max HP. this grey health shield will recover after 10 seconds after damage.

E: Lightning:

[Insert champion name here] shoots lightning in a target direction, hitting all targets in a cone. this lightning has a chance to chain extending to a single target beyond the first. he gains a stack of "lightning essence".

Per stack of essence [Insert champion name here] gains 2% movespeed and does a flat amount of magic damage with every auto.

R: Pandemonium:

- [Insert champion name here] creates a different ultimate based off of the essences he has gained.

- [normal] [Insert champion name here] shoots a bolt in a direction, colliding with the first target it hits.

- for every stack of Fire Essence, the ult does additional damage over time after collision

- for every stack of Earth essence, the bolt gains increased size and area of effect after collision.

- for every stack of lightning essence, the bolt gains increased speed and range.

EDIT: formatting. gods I'm sorry for that eyesore

EDIT 2.0: turns out I'm bad at math actually forgot some combinations that were possible....

selecting 4 upgrades and up to 3 essences: (12*11*10*9)*(3*3*3)+(12*11*10*9)*(3*3)+(12*11*10*9)*(3) = 320,760 + 106,920 + 35,640 = 463,320 ultimates

selecting 3 upgrades and up to 3 essences: 463,320 / 9 = 51480 ultimates

Selecting 2 upgrades and up to 3 essences = 51480 / 10 = 5148

Selecting 1 upgrade and up to 3 essences = 5148/11 = 468

Selecting 0 upgrades and up to 3 essences = 468/12 = 27

Summation of all that stuff..... 520,443 different ultimate combinations...


External link →
about 3 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

who leaked you my next champ...