"Patch 25.7 Full Preview!"
Full Preview: https://x.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1904748218157851069
Yesterday's Preview: https://x.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1904388516622340496
Yesterday's Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1jjb8kf/2507_patch_preview/
>>> Champion Buffs <<<
"Jungle is still a very unpopular role in many regions; we want to make sure that as many jungle champs are viable as possible to ensure that players can transition roles cleanly, especially when they get filled
Our risk of (especially) jungle flex picks is also meaningfully reduced in this world"
- [P] Blaze monster cap buffs:
- Ablaze damage per tick monster cap increased 7.5 >>> 10
- Explosion damage monster cap increased 250/325/400/475 >>> 270/355/440/525 (based on levels 1/6/11/16)
- [Q] Rootcaller root duration increased 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8/2 >>> 1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9/2 seconds
- [E] Reckless Swing cast time reduced 0.25 flat >>> 0.25-0.175 (based on 0-125% bonus Attack Speed) seconds
Shaco (AD)
"2 traditionally AD champions that have their builds dominated by AP currently
Just adding light incentives to add these back"
Backstab bAD ratio increased 25% >>> 30%
Deceive bAD ratio increased 60% >>> 65%
- [Q] Twilight Assault now applies base damage to turrets
- [E] Pillar of Ice buffs:
- Slow increased 30/34/38/42/46% >>> 34/38/42/46/50%
- Cooldown reduced 24/22/20/18/16 >>> 21/19.5/18/16.5/15 seconds
Volibear (AD)
- [W] Frenzied Maul amplified damage on Wounded targets increased 50% >>> 50% (+15% per 100 bAD)
- Moved to next patch (25.08)
>>> Champion Nerfs <<<
Base Armor reduced 39 >>> 37
[E] Apprehend cooldown increased 24/21.5/19/16.5/14 >>> 26/23.5/21/18.5/16 seconds
"Gwen's changes have had the effect we wanted in terms of skew (especially adding her back as a more effective pick in top lane in high skill play), however a bit too effective, even after the micropatch so we're taking her down a bit more"
[Q] Snip Snip! final snip base damage reduced 70/95/120/145/170 >>> 60/85/110/135/160
[W] Hallowed Mist bonus Armor and Magic Resistance adjusted 25 (+5% AP) >>> 22 (+7% AP)
- [E] Swirlseed AP ratio reduced 60% >>> 50%
[Q] Glitterlance minimum base damage reduced 70/105/140/175/210 >>> 60/95/130/165/200 (maximum reduced 105/157.5/210/262.5/315 >>> 90/142.5/195/247.5/300)
[W] Whimsy cooldown increased 18/17.5/17/16.5/16 >>> 18 flat seconds
"Naafiri is still pretty strong, even after the micropatch, so we're taking her down a bit further down
So far, she's pretty low ELO skewed; we're looking to bring her early game down and especially in jungle
So far her damage is pretty high, which we're keeping it there but making her work a little harder to access that damage"
Base HP reduced 635 >>> 610
Base Armor reduced 30 >>> 28
[P] We Are More - Packmate monster damage ratio reduced 165% >>> 155%
[Q] Darkin Daggers minion damage ratio increased 80% >>> 100%
[W] The Call of the Pack cooldown increased 20/19.5/19/18.5/18 >>> 22/21/20/19/18 seconds
>>> Champion Adjustments <<<
"In our micropatch nerf for Singed, he has a pretty small number of levers that are effective and the changes that work well for normal champions don't work so well on him, so we have to change things that we know work (eg. Q damage)
At the same time, we want these changes to feel positive for Singed players long term and Q damage is basically the main thing he does, aside from “running fast”, “being unkillable (esp in R)”.
So we're restoring it back to where it was pre-nerf and taking some power out of other places instead"
[P] Noxious Slipstream per target cooldown increased 8 >>> 10 seconds
[Q] Poison Trail damage per tick AP ratio increased 10% >>> 10.625% (40% >>> 42.5% per second)
[R] Insanity Potion bonus AP, Armor, Magic Resistance, and Move Speed reduced 30/65/100 >>> 25/60/95
[Q] Arcanopulse AP ratio increased 85% >>> 90%
[W] Eye of Destruction damage adjusted 60/95/130/165/200 (+60% AP) >>> 50/85/120/155/190 (+65% AP)
[E] Shocking Orb base damage reduced 80/110/140/170/200 >>> 70/100/130/160/190
[R] Rite of the Arcane damage per arcane missile adjusted 180/230/280 (+40% AP) >>> 170/220/270 (+45% AP)
"Yone's changes are intended to reduce some frustration from the E Crowd Control cleanse
Simultaneously, wanting to give more incentives for Yone to build Crit items"
[P] Way of the Hunter - Intent Critical Strike Damage ratio increased 90% >>> 100%
[E] Soul Unbound no longer cleanses Crowd Control applied during recast cast time, instead persisting through the return dash
Yorick - Phreak's Video
"Yorick's changes are aimed in broad strokes at making him a slightly more functional teamfighter in exchange for reduction in split pushing power
Making him better in the early game at some cost to his late game
Make him better at being a juggernaut and reducing the need for him to buy Seryldas as often (E hits shredding)
A variety of QoL changes that make him feel better to play, eg. ghouls continuing to fight while recalling"
Armor per level reduced 5.2 >>> 4.5
[P] Shepherd of Souls adjustments:
- Nearby enemy deaths to raise a Grave reduced 12/6/2 (based on levels 1/7/13) >>> 8/7/6/5/4/3/2 (based on levels 1/3/5/7/9/11/13)
- Now can be pinged by Yorick to show total of Mist Walkers nearby and on the map
Mist Walker adjustments:
- Damage adjusted 4-90 (based on levels 1-18, backloaded) (+20% Yorick's total AD) >>> 15-75 (based on levels 1-18, backloaded) (+20% Yorick's bonus AD)
- Bonus Attack Speed changed 8% per level >>> 100% Yorick's bonus Attack Speed
- HP adjusted 110-212 (based on levels 1-18, linear) (+20% Yorick's max HP) >>> 110-400 (+15% Yorick's bonus HP) (based on levels 1-18, backloaded)
- Damage resistance from minions ratio increased 0% >>> 60%
- Damage resistance from non-epic monsters ratio increased 50% >>> 60%
- Damage resistance from Area-of-Effect damage ratio adjusted 50% flat >>> 33-60% (based on levels 1-14, linear)
- No longer one-shot from champion Attacks and single target abilities
- Now take 200% damage from melee champion Attacks
- No longer recall while Yorick is engaged with jungle monsters
[Q] Last Rites buffs:
- Now leaves a Grave near the target if the Attack hits a champion or large/epic monster (will not place two Graves if the Attack kills the target)
- AD ratio increased 40% >>> 50%
- Cooldown reduced 7/6.25/5.5/4.75/4 >>> 6/5.5/5/4.5/4 seconds
[E] Mourning Mist adjustments:
- Cursed targets now lose 18/21/24/27/30% Armor for the debuff duration (4 seconds)
- Cursed targets no longer take 20% bonus damage from 8 attacks by [P] Mist Walkers
- Damage adjusted 15% target's current HP (minimum 70/105/140/175/210 (+70% AP)) >>> 70/105/140/175/210 (+100% AP) (no current HP damage)
- Monster damage cap removed
- [P-E] Mist Walkers leap and Attacks now properly apply Black Cleaver Carve stacks
- [P-E] Mist Walkers leap no longer fails to reach target over terrain
- Yorick, [P] Mist Walkers, and [R] Maiden of the Mist bonus Move Speed towards Cursed enemies increased 20% >>> 30%
[R] Eulogy of the Isles - Maiden of the Mist adjustments:
- Damage adjusted 0/10/40 (+50% Yorick's total AD) >>> 50/75/100 (+30% Yorick's bonus AD)
- HP adjusted 400-1650 (based on levels 6-18, backloaded) (+60% Yorick's max HP) >>> 1050-3200 (based on levels 6-18, backloaded) (+60% Yorick's bonus HP)
>>> System Buffs <<<
Catalyst of Aeons
"Catalyst has been weak for a while, especially compared to Lost Chapter which feels like a significantly better purchase
We're not looking to decrease the price as that makes it too good at stalling action on the 1100 spike, so just looking to increase its actual efficiency"
Mana increased 300 >>> 375
Eternity mana restoration pre-mitigation damage ratio increased 7% >>> 10%
Build path changed Ruby Crystal + Sapphire Crystal + 600 gold >>> Ruby Crystal + Ruby Crystal + Sapphire Crystal + 200 gold (total unchanged)
Rod of Ages
- Eternity mana restoration pre-mitigation damage ratio increased 7% >>> 10%
Umbral Glaive
"Umbral has also been pretty weak for a while with Pyke being the only user"
AD increased 50 >>> 55
Blackout cooldown increased 50 >>> 90 seconds
Cost reduced 2600 >>> 2500
>>> System Nerfs <<<
Fountain & Homeguard
"The notes yesterday were a bit ambiguous, these changes are targeted at making repeated recalls and topping yourself off to win lane through attrition, worse
We still want to keep the typical behind cases of getting chunked hard and having to recall strong though (acknowledging that keeping this strong also does keep some ahead attrition cases strong as well though, but are more likely to hit players that are actually behind)
Incidentally, we also intend this to nerf Symbiotic Soles on mid laners a bunch, which is a bit of a playstyle that's picking up and relatively non-interactive
We still like the real support options being able to pick up Symbiotics here though"
Fountain regeneration adjustments:
- Max HP regeneration per second reduced 10.4% >>> 8%
- Max mana regeneration per second reduced 12.4% >>> 10%
- Missing HP and mana regeneration per second increased 6-12% (based on minutes 1-14) >>> 16% (always)
Homeguard decaying Move Speed reduced 75-150% >>> 65-150% (based on minutes 1-40)
>>> System Adjustments <<<
Lane Swap Detection
- Detection area adjusted to no longer include Raptor camp
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