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Have the rest of y'all noticed a more evenly matched teams over the last month or so?

My wife and I are, objectively speaking, awful players. We've languished in Iron for most of the season, with around a 50% win rate. We'd stopped playing for the most part a couple of months ago, devoting ourselves to aram and for-fun modes.

With worlds starting up we caught the ranked bug again, and jumped back into it. Same champions, same roles, just like before. But we started winning. A LOT. We checked our win rate tonight for the month and it's been absolutely insane. We were talking about how almost all of the games have been relatively even, with only occasionally one player or another dominating.

I went looking and apparently the smurf queue was revamped or updated recently, and the timing seems to coincide almost exactly with our reversal in fortunes. Not having to contend with players vastly above our skill level means we can put into practice the lessons we learn from youtube and reddit and actually climb.

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over 4 years ago - /u/RiotJag - Direct link

Really great to read stuff like this. :)