Original Post — Direct link
almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotSpiNN - Direct link

WOW This is incredible!!! I work at Riot in the Esports Dept and LOVE your design! I have spent over 500 hours playing AC, and have seen a LOT of designs but not an esports arena yet!! COOOOL!!! It's so unique and fun and really well made. I bet a lot of the Esports teams/LCS teams would love to share their designs with you so you could make banners to hang. There's also the HHA Trophies you could add somewhere for what they're playing for.

My additions to the setup would include a PC bang area, where people can play on computers or watch the match, and a cafe to eat at where they can also watch the matches. OH AND A merch area! So many of the teams have AC Maker Codes and Patterns, you could fill that up with hats and shirts and cool gear. People can check thru there before the games.

You could totally set this up as a stream theater for Esports Classics. Like on Saturdays invite people to your island to "watch" on the big screen that Las Vegas Finals (I was there, as a TSM fan OOOOOFFF!!!!) and stream it over discord or something. I don't know. There are so many ideas that pop into my head seeing this thing. It's GREAT. WELL DONE.